Tag: Other

Path Of Civilization

In general – it's well-worn path of civilization, based on violence. Recognition of the state's right to murder and democracy are incompatible. With such weapons, as legalized capital punishment, the state will sooner or later becomes a totalitarian. It is hard to start … Do you understand? Then it gets easier and easier.

First penalty for murder, then for another crime, less dangerous, say, a major theft … “Bernard Golden understands that this is vital information. then no longer difficult to roll down the path of political murder, that is, crack down on political If we deprive the opponent of state law to take away human life, why we can give him the right to deprive man of freedom and to draw him into slavery? It's the same thing! And dangerous because it can take massive. Ripple is often quoted on this topic. Remember the 30 – and 40 years when our country was covered in concentration camps in the era of Stalinism. Can there be a slave state democratic? I'm talking about slavery at the state level. After all, the prisoners – this is public servants. Using the right to pay people to slavery, then the state has gained a working force for the construction of roads, canals, mines, to work in logging. What to do with the perpetrator? State expels him, but not revenge. However, there is no ban in place in private.

From people or people who have suffered from crimes committed by convicts. But at the same time he is given the opportunity hide and even defend himself, then there is a significant chance to stay alive. I would say that even very large. Punishing a person so we do not deprive it of hope. And if he shows good sense and try to escape, he did not threatened. At the same time we can not deny their relatives and friends of people affected by crime to legitimate satisfaction. That is, it places into the category of civil rights and rises to the level of unwritten zakona.Na dawn of democracy, namely, in ancient Greece, exile was the most severe punishment for the citizens. continuation of the article can be read

Mobile Research Group Russia

And there is nothing more …'. Note, the sale of the remaining commodity groups show higher growth rates (the cell). For example, according to Yankee Group, to 2010. the share of smart phones will account for 20% of all shipments in the segment of mobile phones. Apparently, based on these projections, many have concluded that by 2010. share of smartphones in the mobile market to grow to 70%. Market mp-3 player in Russia continues to grow (up to 2006. 82%), but 'during his numbered.

" As analysts, mp-3 replaced by multi-functional PMP-devices (they allow you to work with in addition to audio video and text). If in 2007. proportion of PMP-player does not exceed one third of the market, by 2011. they 'promised' 66% of shipments in this niche. The Russian market of digital cameras continues to grow: in 2007. 30-40%, but he remains negligibly scanty. 'Percentage ownership of digital cameras in Russia is far from the values that made the West – said earlier at a party 'Cnews' head of Nikon in Russia Vasily Burmistrov.

– Approximately 15% of the population, according to our estimates, when in some western European countries – 60-70%. From this point of view, we eat, where to grow. " We add the Russian market as game consoles in its infancy. However, in the Mobile Research Group predicts that by 2008. game console market will be about 160-170 million dollars. As the Konami Corp representative Kazumi China 'video game manufacturers begin to gradually increase its presence in emerging markets – in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Russia and Asia.