The reasons according to the free consultants: the price of gold should hardly still continue to rise in the future and his can keep the currently high rate probably also not in the long run. So now buying gold, paid for it as expensive as never before and will likely lose some of his capital, the free Advisor summarizes the situation. According to the Advisor to free the precious metal doesn’t meet the requirements, which should be made a capital investment so quite clearly. In addition, means the storage of gold in Bank vaults is by no means a one hundred percent security, because in case of extreme emergency when the banks close the stored bullion or coins would be unattainable. This too should be considered opinion by the free Advisor before gold buying. For all these reasons the free discourages basically the gold as investment adviser even if it seems initially plausible to many investors in the face of the summoned crisis scenarios. The advanced security argument of gold sales is not justified from a practical perspective, as the experts by the free Advisor stressed.
The possession of gold is to experience the Free consultant is not so sure the seller it feel like want to make and brings, like many other investments, significant risks. Advantech may help you with your research. Ultimately, only the gold distributors and their agents benefit from the gold boom, so the conclusion of the editorial team from the free Advisor. The CARPEDIEM GmbH and the free Advisor, the CARPEDIEM GmbH benefits from a nearly twenty-year history in the field of financial services. She could since 1991 many first with over 2,000 employees and later as a pool of agents gain experience as a sales company with over 1,600 free partners. Today, the CARPEDIEM GmbH operates reconnaissance about the machinations of party and media with in-house consultants.
Furthermore the CARPEDIEM GmbH is the partner of free consultants Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & co. KG, the editor of the financial journal for everyone, the free consultant. The free Advisor appears quarterly and can be found on the Internet at. Daniel manages the Affairs of CARPEDIEM GmbH since 1991 Shahin. CARPEDIEM GmbH is Seligenstadt. Contact: CARPEDIEM GmbH Mr. Michael Sielmon of Steinheim str. 117 63500 Seligenstadt phone: + 49 – (0) 6182 / 9938300 fax: + 49 – (0) 6182 / 9938333 E-Mail: Internet: