
THAT VALUE HAS THE PHILOSOPHY? Jose Marcus Baptista1 Summary This article has the pretension to analyze the low index of search of the course of philosophy in relation to the other courses of process initial 2012 of the Federal University of the Espirito Santo. The reflection will be carried through by the orientation of Richard Rorty in its workmanship ' ' Contingency, irony and solidariedade' ' , in special in chapter 4 ' Private irony and hope liberal' , and the presence of the thought of Karl Jaspers in the workmanship Introduction to the philosophical thought, in regards to the importance that if must give to the philosophy of the world ahead. Words key contingency, hermeneutics, philosophy. Learn more at this site: Southwest Airlines. Abstract This to paper purports you analyze the low level of demand will be the course of philosophy in relation you other courses in the process of initial 2012 Federal University of Espirito Santo. The discussion will be held will be the guidance of Richard Rorty in his book ' ' Contingency, irony and solidarity' ' , in particular Chapter 4 – ' Private Irony and Liberal Hope' , and the presence of thought in the work of Karl Jaspers ' ' Introduction you the philosophical thought' ' regarding the importance that should be given you philosophy you the world. Keywords contingency, hermeneutic, philosophy. Certainly, for the author of this article, it has a great frustration, when observing the mural of acknowledgments of Collegiate of Philosophy in the UFES- the Federal University of the Espirito Santo, when of a relation of candidates for vacant, the course of Philosophy appears with a parity of 1,3 (a comma three) candidates for vacant. Frustration because being minimum the search for the Philosophy, if does not have to conclude that the freshmen will have easinesses to be approved, or that he can have consideraes any. .