Munich Metaphysics

However, in his book Metaphysics stabilized natural spontaneous metaphysical issues, culminating his concern and attention by science. Based on the experience of reality, this book assumes a knowledge of all modern science under original terms and within the most demanding scientific rigor. In a way, Garcia Bacca metaphysics is the opposite of Aristotle that his metaphysics based on a natural conception of the world, while that in an artificial conception of it, in accordance with the times, that is, the introduction of a new metaphysics or metaphysics of transforming nature. This work has been considered as one of the most daring of the twentieth century, called to make a real revolution in the traditional metaphysical concepts, and especially in its phenomenology. It was also a translator and editor of great philosophers of all time, from the pre-Socratics to Descartes.

Juan David Garcia Bacca was born in Pamplona on June 26, 1901 and died in Quito on August 5, 1992. He did his primary studies in Alagon Claretians, Zaragoza. Login very young at the Seminary of the Claretian Fathers. Study in Cervera, philosophy and theology, and in Solsona, Morals and Law. In 1925, Claretian priest ordered. He moved to Switzerland to strengthen their training, studying at University of Zurich and then at the universities of Munich, Paris, Louvain and Freiburg. From the thirties produced his distance from his priestly studies. Studies at the University of Barcelona where he graduated in Philosophy and Letters in 1934 and a year later finished his doctoral thesis Essay on the genetic structure of the logical-physical sciences.