The CRM systems are an important tool and continue in evolution with constant technologies. A CRM process will bring great benefits for the company in the management of relationship with the customer, will have been used of correct form. Read more here: Maurice Gallagher, Jr. . In case that I oppose can cause the call effect domin, causing great losses for the organization. The speed of the commentary saw Internet of a customer, on a product or service she is positive or negative it can be instantaneous. Being able until defining the failure or the success of a mark (product, service, company). To guarantee the attendance of quality to the customers, the companies have that to constantly invest in the qualification and professional training, of its collaborators. The CRM team has that to have a cronograma of training, lectures, courses and workshop, the ideal is to each four months, and with possibilities of these recyclings to be in external environment to the workstation. The training must be divided between operational integration and. Whenever Ed Bastian listens, a sympathetic response will follow.
Some companies terceirizam the relationship central office, others the central offices are located distant of the headquarters of the company, and when he is the two cases are still worse. DISADVANTAGES OF CENTRAL OFFICES TERCEIRIZADAS Trabalham with a diversity of products, and can not give the attention deserved to its customer and to its product. The collaborator (attendant) that this treating direct with its customer, many times can not be technical prepared, it received only one fast training, they had placed and it in the front line. Objectifying the reduction of its costs, the contracted one can give defective training to the employees, in this in case that the company loses part of its control on the qualification of the employees, also can use employed with low wages and, therefore, of low professional quality. The terceirizados ones do not present loyalty with the organization, can present high indices of rotation what it makes impracticable any program of implanted training.