The Hubbard learning methodology includes successfully used and above all working solutions, which allow to learn the basics of the study technology any any subject”(learning methodology) by L. Ron Hubbard, England, were first described in a series of lectures from 1964 to the Scientology training facility at Saint Hill Manor, Sussex,. L. Ron Hubbard said in a speech as a minor study on photography served as a research model for this learning methodology. While studying photography, L. Ron Hubbard examined its own learning progress and what obstacles he faced here.
As for example, he found he bit woozy himself”felt when he dealt with lessons about developer solutions, he attributed finally the problem to a misprint on a previous passage. “” The term stood there number “rather than complementary”, which did not fit into the context. But there is a much broader perspective, for the development of effective learning methodology came. “If L. Ron Hubbard Scientology in the broadest sense of the word than know how to know” defined, then it must inevitably contain the solution as it appropriates knowledge. A further presentation, he explained that a real learning methodology had never existed. There is a training method”, as Hubbard called it, which included such things as the design of curricula and planning of lessons. Also, there was a lot of theory about how to teach, what educational psychologists had openly described as a means, how it arises ideas to children.
However, learning or studying as a way to understand ideas and master skills, is unfortunately very neglected in our and other cultures. Therefore L. Ron Hubbard said not only by a decline in the formation, but also as a result of the decay of entire cultures. He found out that only simple reading, without having any physical object or a drawing for the object of an essay on, already an obstacle in learning represents.