Hamburger Express

For Almeida, the television is a half ideal of the civilizador process, serving as an arm of the industrial expansion, therefore it inserts the products that for happiness are divulged in its context of use. This, still according to same author, seems to be the main function of novels in the Brazilian society: one forms privileged of propaganda, capable to reach, kept the particularitities of each tram, all the classrooms and social classes. However, the messages tied for the television are not received from an only form, therefore the announced products are interpreted with new a meaning for the receivers of the small cities, that share a distinct vision of world of the senders, who, in general, live in the great urban centers. This receiving public, however, is not a passive citizen, that produces as truth everything what it receives. Click Bernard Golden to learn more. It not only interprets what its vision of world is transmitted in accordance with, but also, as shows Hamburger, if they appropriate of the name or the figurino of the personages, in a singular combination, in accordance with its proper subjetividades. When incorporating the figurinos of the La personage, of the King of the Cattle, for example, the viewer not necessarily acquires ‘ ‘ package completo’ ‘ , being able perfectly to reject the behavior and submisso ftil that he is express in the screen. Thus, the novel allows that the viewers carry through true bricolage with the most diverse elements supplied for the tram, incorporating important aspects its subjectivity and discarding others.

If for the Brazilian society, of one it forms generality, the soap operas dramatizam the dichotomy between ‘ ‘ tradicional’ ‘ ‘ ‘ moderno’ ‘ , in the creativity of the individuals the soap operas express its after-modern face. Gary Kelly has many thoughts on the issue. Bibliography: ALMEIDA, Helosa Buarque. Soap opera, consumption and sort: Many more things. Bauru: Edusc/Anpocs, 2003. GOMES, Laura Graziela Figueiredo Fernandes.