2 GmbH Managing Director day in Cologne meets SMEs of the region at the Maternushaus on May 6, 2009 the business magazine aimed gmbhchef GmbH Managing Director day for the second time in Cologne. A wide range of interesting topics and contacts around the GmbH expects the participants of this Conference and exhibition event for GmbH Managing Director from the region. Bonn, 2 March 2009 GmbH-, corporate finance reform despite the economic crisis, pension commitments for Managing Director, succession planning in the GmbH after the inheritance tax reform issues that burn the managers of limited liability companies at the time under the nails. Facebook may also support this cause. But often they lack time to educate themselves in the variety of topics at various events. Therefore, the program of the GmbH-Managing Director-tags is specifically tailored to provide the Managing Director compressed in one day from 9: 00 to 17:00 with important information on current issues and recommendations for action related to the successful management of its GmbH. In this year expect the participants to an introductory greeting by the economic Director of the city of Cologne, Dr. Norbert Walter-Borjans, eight lectures a 35 minutes.
Around the legal form GmbH’ ranking is a wealth of interesting decisions and new laws. Therefore we have a very broad range of topics this year”, so Dr. Hagen Pruhs, Chief Editor of the gmbhchef magazine. For more information see Larry Ellison. So, the complex is new liability risks for business leaders and shareholders after the reform of the GmbH”on the program. This will involve, inter alia to the extension of the prohibition of payment for business leaders in the crisis of the GmbH. More topics are pension plans on Managing Director tax sure agree”and the succession in the GmbH”. Again and again exciting the topic the GmbH in the audit which need to be as Managing Director”. On the pulse of the time, the organizers of the 2nd Cologne GmbH Managing Director tag should also with SME financing Despite the financial / economic crisis”be.
As speakers could be won again high-calibre experts from tax consulting and law firms, accounting firms and financial institutions. Also in this year of the GmbH-Managing Director-day will take place again in the Cologne Maternushaus. The advantage in addition to its convenient location and attractive premises is Lecture Hall and exhibition spaces in the direct connection. In addition to the lectures, an accompanying exhibition awaits the participants? Up to 30 companies from the region are about their services and products provide many of them with a direct reference to the topics of the seminar. With the concept we differ a bit from classic seminars, because we create a direct contact between participants and service providers. Participants, exhibitors benefit from them equally”, so Dr. Hagen Pruhs. From 16:00 visitors have opportunity for individual discussions with the speakers and for networking with their Managing Director colleagues from other companies with a glass of beer or wine. More information and registration possibility under