Chemical Peels As A Means Of Solving Problems Of The Skin

About chemical peels, as effective means to combat aging skin, was first to speak at the end of 80-ies. Nowadays, this procedure is extremely effective, and therefore demand. Chemical peels are used to smooth wrinkles, get rid of pigmentation of the skin, it improves the complexion, promotes skin tightening, significantly improving her condition. Oracle is full of insight into the issues. Impact on the surface skin chemical compounds used also for the treatment of acne and its consequences, expressed in the form of scars, and reddened areas. Than due to the impact of a chemical peel? The composition of the chemical solution comprises acids, which are active, destroying the stratum corneum, and along with defects that it contains. For skin, this procedure is similar to shocks – creating an artificial inflammation, it entails update skin and the formation of new tissue because of rapid regeneration of epidermal cells.

Type of acid used in the procedure depends on the severity of the problem being addressed – and, therefore, chemical peels vary in depth and activity action. Superficial glycolic peel serves one of the most benign varieties of chemical peels. It can be used even for the correction of minor defects of skin and prevent strong age-related changes. The impact of this peeling safest and netravmatichno, but despite this, is given by the result. Bernard Golden helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In conducting surface glycolic peel is used alpha gidrokisloty (AHA). They found in many fruits, so another common name for this type of peel – fruit peels. By fruit kilotam include malic, lactic, citric, glycolic acid. Glycolic acid is the most popular when the superficial chemical peels because of its increased ability to penetrate.

Retinoic peel is more aggressive. When his conduct may be used such components: vitamin C, retinoic, kojic, azelaic and phytic acid. These elements have proven effective in combating excessive pigmentation of the skin, resulting in retinoic worth doing is peeling at the explicit pigmented spots. Quite often, retinoic peel do when you need to get rid of the effects of acne. The median tca Peel – tca – is even more effective but also more painful procedure chemical peels compared to previous ones. The safest stands 15-percent solution of trichloroacetic acid, which provides multi peeling. In order to enhance the action of trichloroacetic acid, may apply L-ascorbic and citric acid. tca peels can be both superficial and medial to the depth of influence, and with proper procedures for conducting the possibility of complications is very low. Peeling phenol – is the most deep chemical peels. It is believed that the deep phenol peels completely proves the adage "Beauty requires sacrifice". Phenol peeling explicit guarantees rejuvenating effect and successfully struggles with stretch marks, stale spots, the most diverse forms of acne. Necessary type of chemical peel, and the frequency of his doctor prescribes for each individual case, depending on the patient's age and the problems to be solved.