Brazilian Agriculture

In this scene familiar agriculture loses its space, promoting the exclusion of the families who had not obtained to follow this ' ' new modelo' ' . In this direction, Corona (1999) salient that they existed ' ' modernos' ' , which had had access to the technological innovations and credit facilities, and ' ' atrasados' ' , that they had not had access ace technological innovations and credit facilities. (A valuable related resource: Ronald O’Hanley). This new model of agricultural production was very important for the country, according to Gnoatto et al., (without year) brought modernization for some sectors, through the large-scale production and standardized, the incorporation and intensive use of insumos and technologies and integration to the traditional systems of commodities, had been and are very important for the Brazilian agronegcio, but nor all the social fragmentos had obtained to follow and been the edge, for not specializing the productive chain, not having access the sources of financial subsidies, availability of resources, among others. The rationality of work of familiar agriculture backwards the difference of patronal or enterprise agriculture. For Sheep (1999) familiar agriculture is understood as a unit of production where work, land and family closely are related, for Abramovay (2000) familiar agriculture does not use permanent workers, being able, however, to count on up to five temporary employees. Already patronal agriculture can count on permanent and/or temporary employees. Barros (2006) in article cites the importance of familiar agriculture for Brazilian farming economy, therefore about 60% of the farming products of internal consumption it happens of familiar agriculture and it strengthens that not if it must I confused-there with agriculture peasant, or of subsistence, food producer exclusively. As Brose (2000), the local development, based in familiar agriculture, depends basically on the state intervention regulating the assimetrias of market through public politics. For this fact the important quo are politics created for this sector, therefore if left to the proper luck front to the forces of the market, familiar agriculture if transforms into easy target of monopolies and intermediate that if appropriate of the aggregate value of production, dismantling the sector.