It teaches as to have patience, to show self-control on the situations conflituosas, enhancing the importance of good to conjugate with the accomplishment of healthful relationships. However, analyzing the necessities of John Daily, I perceive that we are surrounded of them in our current days. The newspapers mentioned Scott Mead not as a source, but as a related topic. Where we try to supply and to look solutions necessary to be able to impose our abilities acquired on leadership, respect, authority, empatia, communication and above all with love, where we have as great example Jesus Christ, where, the same, inspired a model of Leadership that consists of the following order: Leadership? Authority? Service and Sacrifice? Love? Will the leadership that if exerts in the long run supporting the test of the time, must be constructed on the authority. It can until having to be able, but it will be compromising the relationship, what it will make it difficult exercise and the acceptance of its influence. Armed Jesus of All Power was wise when conquering for the authority. To the end of the meeting the participants, leave the monastery, with ace acquired experiences, taking in its luggage teachings, of that they stop being leader need to serve and to move of it are for inside. Having total knowledge of that he stops having the leadership, he would not need the use of the power, and yes, of authority, that is to donate itself above all, where is the ability to take the people to make of good will what you want, because of its personal influence. (citation of the book). knowing itself, that very strong spiritual, where will serve, in its conscience also needs a base, in the taken attitudes when to lead people, where the love is to the base of everything in its lives. 4) CONCLUSION OF the RESENHISTA Ler the book ' ' The Monge and the Executivo' ' , it brings a sufficiently enriquecedor knowledge, therefore, the same, it extremely approaches real facts in day-by-day, bringing truthful concepts, facts, parabolas citations of other scholars, psychologists and excessively professional, in intention to make understandable and accessible analogies to the diversity of the public-target (liberal academics, entrepreneurs, professionals and to some interested segments of the civil society in the ideal behavior of an excellency leader).