
There are still mechanisms of evaluation implemented both in basic education and media, as well as University, that bear no rigor that one would expect entratandose institutionally certify the adoption or otherwise of a school year, course or programme. It’s called work on group mechanism that originated bad resonance concepts that are now in vogue in academic circles authorized, such as: collaborative work, associated work, working group learn to live together etc. Experience has shown that in these episodes of socialization of knowledge, which is attributed to a group of 2 or more students presenting a work academics, it implements inside good the social and technical division of labour, endilgando to each according to his ability a particular type of task or activity, but also group architecture has allowed cracks through which the comfort has been leaked, irresponsibility and the withdrawal of some of its members, all indicating that work apprehend a knowledge from the search of their sources of information, processing of data, explanation, argumentation and formal presentation of the work does not reflect a balanced and totalizing in their degree of appropriation work. Evaluation of this type of group work in consequence of course, bathes subjectivity and the imprecision, as in the best of cases the group, within which two (2) members worked for example, 90% of the contents and their implicantes tasks, allows the good qualification obtained, equally falls on those of other members of the Group little or nothing made by the execution of the same. Under consideration that randomly chosen a member of the group to expose properly what group work developed, also pervading the idea of injustice and irrationality, so neither would be that everyone has to learn thing of the whole group, because it would deny then specialization and the social division of labour. From another edge educational evaluation in current context of Colombia with the promulgation of Decree 0230 February 2002, accuses areas dark, dense and also clear and well intentioned.