The Connection

Experts mortgage divisions pose a discount in the n-percent (40% -60%) the entire mass of personal property and that the definition of salvage value ends. The liquidation discount is determined by the experts of mortgaging the Department based on their subjective view of the situation and the subjective assessment of possible risks. The greater the probability of "no return" loan, the greater the liquidation discount. As we see the connection with the actual value of the pledged property is not visible. Similarly determined by the discount in the event of the liquidation sale of property of a bankrupt enterprise.

The bankruptcy trustee appointed by a sufficiently substantial discount on the cost of liquidating all assets. In the process of selling part of property can be realized on the liquidation value of the above, some assets will not be able to implement and at very significant discounts. Thus, we see that the direct link to the actual cost of implementing property is not in this case. The liquidation discount is determined by the cost of implementation of equipment in low-time marketing. It is believed that reduce the time required for the sale of property by Compared with a typical exposure time counterparts in this segment can only be reducing its cost relative to market value. A typical exposure time is forced to 180 days from the date of grounds for repossession of collateral, provided that all legal documentation in respect of security interests of the credit institution is framed in such a way that it does not contain conditions that impede the realization of liens, and provided that the specified object (s) of mortgage insured by the depositor for the benefit of a credit institution which has accepted them as collateral for a loan (loans) 1. However, some types of equipment are term exposure is much less than the specified 180 days.