The Challenge

The changes in the modern life, in the behavior of the man, are being lived deeply in the organizations, thus demanding flexibility on the part of all the involved ones, since the high management, customers external interns and, until the social environment in which the organization is inserted. It is essential to extend the vision and the knowledge that if has of the company as a whole, what it will go to allow to an identification of the diverse systems and subsystems of the institution, as well as the respective interdependence and interrelation between them. To consider the trends pointed for the factors as the mission, vision and values of determined organization or society not only assists to the collaborator plus all a generation of people, front the globalization of the knowledge and human relationship that a reality stimulates of which if it cannot escape. To be prepared for the impact of these cultural factors, as the mission, the vision and the values, on the market of work and the relations human beings in the work if becomes important condition for the support of the Company, therefore the challenge of these new times is to form professional apt and capable to assimilate the changes, to create and to innovate in situations adverse, exercising continuously the capacity to understand the dynamics of the market and the world as a changeable and extremely competitive environment, being intent to detect the chances, to manage changes and, mainly, to implement action. Today, a professional cannot be accomodated, therefore independently of the format of the relation that has with the company, it she has that to participate of diverse activities that they make possible to open a bigger fan of chances and knowledge. Therefore, importance is distinguished it that the organizations, beyond informing and enabling, must promote a structure of support to its body of collaborators.