The Carnosine

What creatine form do you recommend? The beginner should try it with normal Creatine monohydrate, hereby have very many athletes success and swear by this creatine, particularly on the Creapure! If you are a non-responders, you can try other forms of creatine such as creatine ethyl ester, Kre-Alkalyn or krea-genic, many manufacturers mix some Creatinformen to an effective matrix! Athletes in a diet can benefit from above-mentioned forms of creatine, because without Transport matrix comes out. Thus this athlete saves unnecessary calories and carbs! We wish you good luck with your creatine supplementation! A little advice to the conclusion: Absolutely combine your creatine product with beta-alanine! Beta-alanine helps you to reduce the resulting lactic acid in the muscle, improves exercise performance and recovery ability! In addition, it improves the endurance of muscles! Beta-alanine has now become a real insider’s tip! It works by it boosts the Carnosine memory of muscles! The Carnosine memory are responsible to neutralize the resulting lactic acid of a contraction! By increasing the ATP memory (creatine) and the Carnosine memory (Beta-alanine) the muscles synergistically these two products and help you to gigantic strength and muscle mass increases..