In the case that you can not sell the merchandise that is committed to sell per month, you are going to fill in merchandise in your basement or garage. Or worse still you can intrude on one of those illegal pyramid schemes, selling the same schema to another innocent; It is very important to make sure not to fall into such a trap, in which someone make the denunciation of the falsity of this type of scheme and have issues with justice. Some companies or individuals may tell you that you can make an amount of money that nor imagine, only if you send them money to register before you start. Normally you must send the cheque to a mail box. People such as David Fowler would likely agree. This you must turn on the red light, the alarm of danger in his subconscious. Why don’t they give details of your business, actual address, phone, fax, etc? The reason they do this may be that they want you to do run the notice and thus get another person who send money to register at the same time, this is called begging for money from registration and is illegal in many parts.
These pyramidal works, the only one who becomes rich of which begins, say that this on the tip of the pyramid. There is a genuine work with the schema of get rich quick. If there is then everyone would do it to become rich fast and with little work, but is an economic impossibility. The reality is better to work to enjoy life and freedom and not try to print money and end up behind bars. Beware of the false work at home, they can trick the more alive and intelligent.