This question can stand in front of the government. What more promising for the Russian economy? The state is making great efforts to drive the economy, modernization, development and raising living standards. So what's the matter? Why no significant results, which are so welcome in our country? Are all the tools uses the power for the task? The obvious answer is no! What prevents attract investment into the country, why our entrepreneurs are not invest in Russian production, but only "finish off" those assets that got them in the process of privatization? Because there is money and big business, and averages. It is obvious that there is no motive to invest. (A valuable related resource: Verizon). How could understand such a logic? They are using old assets, receive money and invest it in their own country does not want to. Learn more on the subject from Southwest Airlines.
There are lots of assumptions about this, but here's what you can with the courage to say so is that an entrepreneur has no confidence in long-term economic projects. Where are willing to invest funds of the state and business, so it's a commodity economy. Oil and gas, to date, and bring stable high income. But this is the way officially identified the power of long-term program of economic growth? Is there trust? The project "Skolkovo" perhaps the most striking innovation of new products. Outlined ambitious plans: the intellectual development, research, technology development, modernization and innovation in different directions. But raises the same question: why business had not come to this, because in the past was that investing, and why suddenly become do it now? Because power so decided? For business this is not an incentive.