Tag: society and culture

Social Assistant

An analysis of the practical professional of the Social Assistant in the CAPS? Sister Augustinha Renata Soares1 Lda Maria of. the Santos2 SUMMARY ' ' An analysis of the practical professional of the Social Assistant in the CAPS Augustinha Sister in Propri/SE' '. The choice after appeared the accomplishment of period of training in the cited institution, for one of the integrant ones of the research, in which the difficulty of the families was witnessed to deal with the carriers of mental upheavals, beyond the lack of knowledge of the relation of the family stops with the user, having as objective specific analyzing the work of the social assistant in the CAPS; to know the especificidades and instrumentalidades of the Social Assistant in the CAPS; to investigate the familiar group as cuidador of the carrier of mental upheaval; The studied population was familiar of the users of the CAPS the Augustinha Sister. It used the half-structuralized interview. ry Ellison usually is spot on. It was of qualified matrix for which we base in them on the dialtico method, since it makes possible the constant questioning of what this, rank, through verbal quarrels and inquiries and to perceive probable contradictions. How much the theoretical recital used authors as: Great-grandson (2007), Rose (2002), amongst others. The result gotten in the accomplishment of this research had pointed that the relation of the family with the carrier of mental treatment is of extreme importance a time that it provides to know, to accept, to question and to follow in all the stages of the constructive process of the identity of the carrier of mental upheaval. WORD KEYS Mental Health, Family, Social Service. ABSTRAT Summary ' ' An analysis of the professional Social practice of worker in CAPS Sister Augustinha in Propria/SE' '. Additional information at baby clothes supports this article. The choice cam to after internship at that institution, by one of the members of the research, which was watched the difficulty of families you the mental deal with people with disorders, well lack of knowledge of the family' s relationship with to user, having specific aims you analyze the work of the social assistant in CAPS; knowing the specifics and tools of Social worker in CAPS; investigate the Group family them to caregiver of to bearer of mental to disorder; The study population was the family of Sister Augustinha users CAPS.

The Organization Pan

When the patient has been hospitalized, he doesn? t bring just the pathology himself, but brings his beliefs, values, theories, stories, and knowledges. How may we you proceed with patients in this life? nosocomical s stage while framework doesn? t to consider them such social person, and unconditionally identifying themselves well patient only? Main words: cancer; social death; daily. INTRODUCTION the cancer, appears enters the main causes that can take the death in the present time, it brings obtains deep effect in the welfare state and psychic of the sick person, as well as in the daily one of its family. The Organization Pan-American of Health? OPAS clarifies more than that the cancer if became the devastadora illness in the world, with 10 million new cases to each year. In Brazil, the estimates for the year of 2010, as given published for the INCA, valid also with respect to the year of 2011, point with respect to the occurrence of 489.270 new cases of cancer.

The types most incident, to the exception of the cancer of skin of the not melanoma type, will be the cancers of prostate and lung in the masculine sex and the cancers of breast and the col of the uterus in the feminine sex, following the same profile of the magnitude observed for Latin America. These indices denounce the growth of the illness, either for the fragility that it presents, either for the fragility of a public system of still partial preventive health in its effectiveness, who beyond abstaining of a significant number of ranks of attendance and specialized staff, annuls as essence the consideration of the phenomenon of the social death, integrant part of the treatment. When the necessary patient of hospital internment, this is reason of great apprehension and suffering, therefore she demands a removal of everything what it familiar and she is known.

Advanced Course

The subject of the love, of namorar, to find a partner for all the life or only for an only meeting without commitment is in high in the Internet. The Argentine periodical ' ' Clarin' ' , in its digital version Clarin.com, it dives in the sites that consider to leave the sexual tdio, but with ticket in return. ' ' To be unfaithful is a little more easy since that sites in the Internet had proliferated that they put in contact people who search sex without commitment or, at least, to paquerar strange without if amarrar' '. Ashley Madison, Second Love, Private Romance, Gleeden or Victoria Milan are some of the sites that consider contacts and with the maximum confidencialidade for the compromissadas people who want to air a little. (Source: Larry Ellison). In Brazil, the sites and go a step more behind: before being infidels, the men will have to learn to conquer a woman, to dominate the art of the seduction. more still, to be masters of the seduction. If it was not the thundering success of the site Art of the Namoro we could doubt the seriousness of the service, however the customers satisfied, that if they count to the thousands, they are a forceful sample that the Advanced Course of Seduction, that teaches the basic principles of as to conquer a woman, to seduce any woman and until as to reconquer a woman, fulfills what it promises. Coming back to the news article of Clarin.com, ' ' in countries as Canada and United States, the phenomenon of the sites of accidental meeting is not new. For example, the site of Ashley Madison, leader in the sector, started its activity has one decade and already it counts on 10 million users in the whole world ' '. No longer Brazil, for example, the expression ' ' as seduzir' ' it has 550,000 monthly searches in the Google, and ' ' as to conquer one mulher' ' it has 110.000. For what it seems, seducer is not born itself, if he learns, and the Advanced Course of Seduction of and its competitors have an enormous market of made use Brazilians to turn Don Juan and to conquer single women there and without commitment and also married.

Senhorita Family

Cade everything? He is all lost one, the traditions, the term ' in familia' he was pra backwards, well pra backwards. Parties that had intention to congregate and to celebrate now had become capitalizaton reason. Gift pra this, pra that, pra someone, pra ciclano. Our world arrived in a point where who does not run, it does not earn. Already more are not worried about the day of the mothers, of the parents much less the Christmas.

in this wave of only liking commemorative dates because of the recesses and gifts, children go attending of berth an excellent example to them. thus, to each generation that comes, this situation alone increases, and the ones that follow everything as it orders the figurino are called ' put ricos' or simply put. It is impressive to see what the man obtains to make, old in the day of the mothers went pra house of the mothers, to make a lunch or one supper in homage that warlike woman. Nowadays if of the present one, when of. In the day of the parents also, if the family congregated or leaves to take a walk and nowadays, perhaps present even though nowadays the families nor it has father, the mothers are generally single and live alone or with the parents then she is not known very of this date. in the Christmas. The time prettiest of the year, where everything is more harmonious, the ammor and the affection increase between the people, families if they before join and they celebrate true sensible of the Christmas, that is the birth of Jesus.Bom, this age, why now until the store they are open until later so that the people can buy more. It is, probably daqui to some years the store can have rotation of employees and be open 24 hours people more still to buy them. is better if to accustom therefore only goes to get worse.