Tag: Repair and Parts

Fuel Production Systems

Company 'Mir big machines' offers export of spare parts for commercial vehicles in Europe. We trust only original spare parts! After all these spare parts have been manufactured specifically for your vehicle and received permission for the delivery after rigorous tests by the same engineers who designed your car. Each piece fits together and you have a sense of confidence and security when traveling. This guarantees you get for turning parts of our company. We also offer you a wide range of engine parts (BF, Mahle, Nural, DPH, Elring, KS), Plastic body parts (Kahveci Otomotiv, COVIND, Cospel), electricity and fuel production systems as well as the Monark High spare parts DIESEL TECHNIC, which is one of the largest suppliers of wide range of spare parts and the first alternative original spare parts for commercial vehicles.

Delivery time contract positions 7-14 days. We invite you to collaborate on favorable terms garages, trucking companies and fleets. Flexible discounts. We work with the regions deliver. Payment by bank transfer. Our expertise in the shortest possible time, to any customer's order – the guarantor of your peace of mind and confidence. Russia, Moscow ul.Kosinskaya d.11A (8 km Ring Road) Tel: (495) 798-42-08, 727-97-64 Fax: (495) 374-71-34 Icq: 208 548 971 Icq: 341 357 846 e-mail: mbm-ofis @ mail.ru


Cylinder head gasket as well affect the elastic deformation of the parts. Typically, cylinder head gasket made of multilayer plastic (composite) or metal compounds. Often the cause of the problem engines are looking at laying the cylinder head. For example, if overheated engine, with oil leaks or water, etc. Professionals know that the cylinder head gasket repair quality can not be done in the "primitive" conditions. Cylinder head – this is one of the most important elements of the engine, so to breakdowns and defects GBTS be taken seriously.

Problems can arise when the cylinder head gasket needed replacing some foreign cars. It must be remembered that low-quality cylinder head replacement or repair can lead to serious problems – the growth in fuel consumption, reduce resource and reduce engine power engine as a whole. Requirements for modern cylinder head. As a result of engine operation for a long time, low-quality fuel, temperature extremes, etc. plane fitting cylinder head warp. Therefore, the required grinding / milling of these planes, it can not but lead to a decrease in combustion chamber.

Sometimes there are situations in a significant decrease in the volume combustion chamber, in this case, the repair usually put the gasket cylinder head with larger thickness. In the case when the cylinder head gasket can not provide a complete seal, that is not working 100%, it can cause problems in the engine. Most often, the cylinder head gasket leak is related to: overheating of mechanical damage breakthrough exhaust leak coolant and oil Asbestos-free or asbestos? Today Sealants bezasbesta from becoming popular. In addition to their recognized environmental, asbestos-free materials and will have several advantages: non-asbestos gasket materials from the engine more tight and durable, asbestos-free production of the sealing material is much easier to dismantle. If we consider that the engine of any car is more than 60 pads, the material from which they produced, plays an important role. For example, the abrasive asbestos, promotes more rapid engine wear, in addition, the material is very susceptible to temperature changes and vibrations (even the smallest). So today the largest automobile corporations completely abandoned the use of asbestos materials in auto parts. Non-asbestos gaskets abandon and average Indian, Chinese and Brazilian automakers. Consider the benefits of asbestos-free material to asbestos. Cons asbestos materiala.Po time expired loses its sealing properties, fiber razrushayutsya.Neustoychiv to temperature differences. Susceptible to vibration. Toxic. Asbestos dust is not shown by any means an easy task. Pros materiala.Obespechivaet asbestos-free and longer engine (big warranty on the car). Resistant sudden changes of temperatures (from minus 60 to plus 260 degrees). Can be used at pressures up to 25MPa.Vysoky sealing level (plasticity). Resistant to corrosive vozdeystviyu.Ekologicheski bezopasen.Vysokie svoystva.Sposobstvuet electrical efficiency of the enterprise.