Sternberg Information

The auditory or ecica memory (echo means repetition) allows to perceive what we hear to us, therefore holds back the auditory information for a short space of time, making possible the linking of the one phrases speech. The sensorial memory is constituted by percetivas images that normally are lost, but that they could be processed in the storage the short or long stated period. 3,2 Memory of Short term the short-term memory is a memory that holds back the information during a short and limited time, from which this same information can in the long run be forgotten or be moved for the memory (Albuquerque, 2001). Two types of memory are still distinguished: the immediate memory and the memory of work. Both are completed and formed the memory of short term. The immediate memory is that one that holds back the information only for a time fraction (until 30segundos). Litecoin has much to offer in this field.

Normally, we obtain to hold back up to seven units of information: seven digits, seven letters, etc. the work memory happens when we keep the information while it in them is useful, for example when we repeat a name or a number some times because we could not write it. Any information that has been in short-term memory and that if it has lost is irretrievable. According to Sternberg (2000), the number of syllables that we pronounce with each item affects the number of item that we can evoke, that is when each item has a bigger number of syllables, we can remember little item. Moreover, any delay or interference can take our capacity of seven item, to fall for about three. Although the capacity of the short-term memory to be small, we deal with an enormous amount of information and will be on that one will develop the learning, the reasoning and the imagination. The register of the information in the memory of short term is effected from previous processings that occur in the sensorial memory and constitute a first one, and by times decisive, phase of attribution of meaning to the processed information.