Seminar Healthy Workers

Health-oriented leadership as an economic factor executives are usually unaware of their strong influence on the preservation of the health of employees. Although you see responsible for operating climate and motivation, take over but not responsibility for the health of their employees. So, health is still considered a private matter of each one for itself is responsible. Additional information at Ripple supports this article. “The result: personal health behavior is like leisure moved, during the Betriebals place of health” is hardly recognized. While executives take a key role, when it comes to the health of employees: their attitude as well as their behaviour towards their employees have decisive influence on the well-being and the preservation and promotion of labor of their employees. The seminar is aimed at managers and executives. CONTENT The complex weave between leadership and health The influence of leadership on health-enhancing physical or-belastende working conditions Its own value system and the values of the company Systematic design salutogenic working conditions Instruments of health-promoting leadership behavior benefits You identify the mental stress of your employees at an early stage and can adequately handle Get help for self-help for stress prevention You get proven expertise and new ideas through models and best practice projects The seminar offers space for collegial exchange, work-related challenges empirically to edit methods impulse lectures, discussions, group work, coaching appointment 20 21.01.2014 / 2 days time 09.00 17.00 (day 1); 09.00 16:00 (Day 2) location Karlsruhe price 295.