Successful by stable serenity ‘ resilience 7 key for more inner strength ‘-invitation to the premiere of the book and interactive presentation. The author Prof. Dr. Jutta Heller personally is unveiling her current book and resilience for success public on 17th April 2013 in Nuremberg. Nuremberg, 21.03.2013 – successfully by stable serenity Prof. Dr.
Jutta Heller’s book Resilienz-7 key for more inner strength ‘ is published in the February 2013 Grafe & Unzer Verlag. It is the result of many years research and experience, both in the scientific field and in coaching. On the occasion of the book launch on 17 April 2013, the author about it as well as very personal resilience experience in an interactive presentation will report alive. Moderated and the evening will be accompanied by Jutta Ribbrock (antenna BAYERN presenter), the audiobook version of resilience ‘ has spoken up. 7 Keys for more inner strength of resilience is the key concept, with many Challenges of modern life and work culture can be solved. Professor Heller’s approach gradually leads the reader to rethink, which refers in particular to the mental strengths and resources of individuals and teams. Instead of responding to the daily, daily onslaught of resistance and conflicts with the usual defenses, one learns so step by step, to accept it and to deal with them constructively.
Many examples and practical guidance in the book facilitate understanding and access to personal resources – a sustainable transfer in their own lives can be done well. Resilience ‘ (from the Latin re siliere’ jump back, cushion) is an originally physical technical term that referred to the compensation of outside interference. Define in the human realm, you can with the qualities of a Selfstabilizing male resilience”. Prof. Dr. Jutta Heller (born 1961) is an expert in change competence and resilience. In lectures such as “sovereign stress situations “manage without if and but” and consulting successfully them impulses for the company and the personal development of their clients for many years. The Vice of economic-psychological faculty at the College for applied management he Reding is trained NLP teaching trainer, certified speaker (GSA), systemic consultant and business coach. Personal resilience they observed not only in everyday life, but collecting them on their adventure travels through South America. “Visit: House of culture old church” large hall church square 6 90547 Stein at nu age? rnberg programme: 19:00 hailing? Martensitic and snack of 19:30 interactive lecture 20:45 questions and discussion then end discussions and drinks to personal registration is requested. The book to the inner strength of resilience 7 key for more inner strength ‘ Grafe & Unzer, 2013, 14.99 ISBN 978 3 8338 2735 8, available as an audiobook. More information and registration: Prof. Dr. Jutta Heller Mill Street 8 90547 Stein bei Nurnberg FON 09 11 2786 1770 fax 09 11 2786 1771