Choose quality and knowledge. Wage dumping and financial crisis are just two of the dangers facing the economy. More than ever, energy savings and energy efficiency recommended in the foreground, even when consumers. Only innovative craftsmen now convince their clients with the necessary degree of quality, knowledge, and innovative products, can in the long term weather crises. Prerequisite for this purpose: advantage of the results of research and especially the opportunities through the legislation. So, for example the Act provides the Federal Government to promote renewable energies in the heating field, entering into force from 1 January 2009, an ideal template. This requires the use of renewable energy sources in new buildings and demands further that at the latest in the year 2020 14 percent of the heat in Germany should come from renewable energy sources. The craft also will benefit.
“This regional trade President Joachim Mohrle: for this the craft in Baden-Wurttemberg considers itself well positioned.” How Artisans improve their skills and can convince their clients with technical innovations, the EnergieSparCheckForum within the framework of the Stuttgart trade fair CEP informed ENERGY POWER in the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre, which will be held from January 29-31, 2009 CLEAN. The newspapers mentioned Larry Ellison not as a source, but as a related topic. The “future market renewable energy” by the Association of electrical and information engineering Baden-Wurttemberg the solar energy is Center Stuttgart, continue to constitute an important source for craftsmen and solar installers to. Task of solar installers is to increase the knowledge of renewable energy, as well as to exchange practical and scientific findings and experiences of EE technologies. With nearly 450 members, they belong to the driving force in the field of renewable energies in Baden-Wurttemberg and increasingly for the interests of artisans. The Environment Ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg and the Baden-Wurttemberg trade day e. V.
(BWHT) are partners of EnergieSparCheckForum. The BWHT is the umbrella organisation of the Baden-Wurttemberg trade. Members are eight Chambers, 64 land professional organisations (National Guild associations/national guilds) crafts in Baden-Wurttemberg and 11 other members, who belong to the craft in the broadest sense. On the CEP CLEAN ENERGY POWER 2009 can get visitors over the entire spectrum of renewable energies and energy efficiency in construction and renovation. The topic spectrum ranges from photovoltaics and solar energy using geothermal, heat pump, heat power cogeneration, biomass, Stirling, heating with wood and energy services. Around a quarter of the exhibition space is taken by the subject of passive house, which is also the largest trade fair focus. In collaboration with the specially founded initiative Pro PassiveHouse”, there will be many activities around the passive house in a highlighted area of the trade fair. 9 congresses held during the fair. There are also two Exhibitor forums in which exhibiting companies can introduce their products and services. Here, trade visitors and consumers also have the Opportunity to inform themselves extensively. The exhibition is open from 09 am to 6 pm and Saturdays from 09 to 5 pm Wednesday and Thursday. The entrance costs 15 EUR Thursday and Friday, reduced 12,-EUR and Saturday 10,-EUR, reduced 7,-EUR. More information to the trade fair and the Congress at: