Pharmaceutical Sales

Strategic control without the reality of the results of the monitoring project of sales talk insights”(sales compass) show from the physician perspective, that is the central strategy of the pharmaceutical sales force activity especially in establishing a presence density generated by appropriately aligned visit frequencies. This approach due to a competition based (each contact we don’t, realized the competition!”), on the other hand from the corporate income statement. Viewed purely quantitatively a positive contribution here is considered but also the qualitative component what actually happens in the contacts-, so the work of the sales in the overall is in deficit, because the pharmaceutical sales force meets the requirements to only 56%. This means that 44% of the resources be wasted looking at average. And also the length of the conversation not convincing is the preparations meeting percentage of the total conversation, about established old products is located in the Middle at 51.7%. The remainder of the interview accounted for the discussion of common health topics, conversations about the current situation of the visited practice and General (“Small Talk”). Bernard Golden has many thoughts on the issue.

So little time remains for arranging and integrating content. The marketing and overall response to these statements is uniform: in our field is different, our market research surveys show that! “The problem is that these analyses in the form of sampling be carried out however. Because the skills of the staff are very different, the results often lead astray. The actual physician satisfaction with the quality of the field care is determined solely bottom-up, i.e. on the basis of regional customer satisfaction analyses, then gradually (region, staff) can be aggregated. Unfortunately, such individualized employee customer relationship data in most CRM systems, are missing today so that the purely numbers-based analysis can not be complemented by customer reality. Source: IFABS / Klaus-Dieter Thill