Personnel Management

Hello, friends! Those who still remembers the days when all around was good, because No one knew that it is better, I understand. The Soviet Union used the excellent people management practices. The man begins to understand what can be better only when he learns that it is possible. Suffered if someone without gum, when he did not know that it happens whether or not Coca-Cola. Family ate corn flakes and washed down with duchesse or tarragon. Everyone wanted to buy a Lada because options others were not. Some teams networkers today continue to keep their partners for the same iron curtain. Write this article I pushed a comment one of my readers – Michael, the article "All move to the Internet, are you?>> in which Dmitry Smakotin talked about held his team vebinarah.

I have encountered in practice with the ideology of mlm structures on which the sponsorship line – the only answer to all questions (Read CPSU). Talk about business with people from the parallel structures are not welcome, but from other companies as general anti-Soviet propaganda. The aim is clear, we can not show their partners a place where it is better – to be tempted to go there. The ideology of working, lasted 70 years, but still the test of time has not passed. You can be for their partners just a sponsor, promoting "the world's best mlm company, and fencing of all that does not work or can hurt your business.

Or you can be for them to mentor through life, helping to develop in all directions, not just where it brings you money to transfer all their knowledge and expertise to help find other people who care primarily about the partner. What to choose – it's up to you. In the first case will always have to be afraid that your partner will find a warm place and to emigrate there to prevent this from happening, get yourself to person with whom they want to work. Develop your skills and share them with others. The value of the sponsor is not in that select not from anyone, and that it really helps. When you give people looking to you to mentor all of its knowledge and skills, not just those deemed necessary for its own benefit, then you will have a team of like-minded people, not faceless structure. Often remember the obligations that you undertake, from working with a new partner – to help him succeed>> and not "help him to create for me a source of income>>. PS: