Personal Finance

1 Spend more than it earns. If you spend most of what win these creating debt and debt altos.2 interest is paid.Do not keep a record of expenses: If you don’t know where is the leak may not be remedied, the Council is budgeting your expenses and track every day of ellos.3.Stay in comfort Area: not trained, not to open your mind to new ideas, not learn how to do things differently. A big mistake in the topic of personal finance is combine the money with emotion and not find new ways to generate revenue. An investment in education always pays the best interest – Benjamin Franklin4.NOT save: Don’t pay yourself first, before you spend your salary, pay yourself. This money is money that will work for you through mutual funds, shares, real estate and business. Important thing is not how much save the important thing is to start, is recommended to save at least 10% of the perceived income. Saving and not investing is flaw.

Note the compound interest. In issues saving time is important. Never too late to start, but since more it early is best. SAVES or NUNCA.5 don’t forget him.Believe that the personal finance are subject of the Chief or the Government: relying too heavily on others for example in the pension system, currently they are in trouble. I am responsible for my personal finance mismo.6.Make credit card a way of life: the misuse of these may be harmful. Cards enslave it. Make purchases that do not need: buying on credit is to sell cheap tomorrow for a little today.

You have to know them used with great discretion.7 Forget will be just to have. The natural order is to be-do-have.8 Be guarantor is to pay for something she enjoys OTRO.9. Not be protected financially: there are things in life over which we can not have control, but a prevention thereon could avoid us many without flavors. A proper planning of the future may be our only hope in a financiera.10 event. Believing that you will never grow old: cows-time fat should save for lean time. It is never too late to start saving, but the more I iceberg start will be better. Remember that in the food basket of the youth of today the food basket of the old manana.11 must be included. Wasting money on things that destruyen.12. Make investments without appropriate counseling. If you are not sure how it works an investment does not know the risks to which it is exponiendo.13. Do not learn how to create multiple sources of income: when it is dependent on a single source of income and this lack may have financial difficulties. It is necessary to study and investigate given that there are several ways to generate multiple sources of income. If you have 2 or more sources of income when a Miss always will have others that supported economically. If Ud has not been able to establish other multiple sources of income, it is because it has lacked the necessary information to do so. That is why it is important to invest in their financial education before attempting to invest in any other cosa.14. Not be generous: is a principle universal and biblical that the harvest always comes after one planting. If sowing sparingly, sparingly shall reap. This is the most important step that can take toward financial security.