Organization Certifier

You would like to work in the Sector of the Quality? You want to work like Person in charge of Quality? You want to know the formation that you need to work like Technician of Quality? In this article we try to solve all the questions and doubts that consider any person who is interested in working in the world of the Quality. The norm of Quality, ISO 9001:2008, makes reference to the quality in the processes of the organizations, it contemplates a series of requirements that the companies must fulfill and acquire like working standard to obtain so looked for Enterprise Quality. One is a norm of nonobligatory character, therefore the own organizations are those that decide if it or no. wish to adhere to obtain a Certification in Quality, is a symbol of distinction for the organizations, a symbol that to day of today most of the companies are prepared to obtain. Schwab. Norm UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 promotes the continuous improvement and the satisfaction of the client by means of the fulfillment of of its requirements, like it promoted the norm in its version of the 2000. One of the foundations of the norm is the direction to processes, that in particular consists of the identification and systematic management of the processes developed in the organization and, the interactions between the same.

The first step, for the organizations, is to adapt the company to all the requirements raised by the norm as far as: Identification of processes. Controls and pursuits. Pursuits of the results. Action to reach the results. While we carried out the adaptation of the organization to the requirements of the norm, we must realise diverse internal audits to assure to us that we go by the correct way. These internal audits will be necessary to present/display them, before the external audit of the Organization Certifier audits who us to grant or to deny to us the seal and the certification to us of quality.