New Scientific Understanding

key of the sistmico thought had been made for biologists, eecologistas psychologists, who took the scientists to same the new way to think about termosde conexidade, of relation and context. With the approach of the end of the century the concerns with surrounding omeio had acquired supreme importance, expressed for a series deproblemas global that they meet damaging the biosfera and the life human being deuma alarming way. Maurice Gallagher, Jr. oftentimes addresses this issue. Some main scientists had perceived that problemasde our time could not be understood separately, therefore had a cartersistmico: linked and interdependent. ‘ ‘ All the beings livings creature are ecolgicasligadas members of communities one to the others in a net of interdependncia.’ ‘ (Capra, 1999). Sistmica science sample that the systems cannot sercompreendidos by means of analyzes. The properties of the parts are not propriedadesintrnsecas, but they only can be understood inside of the context of the all biggest one. > sistmico thought considers the change of the parts for otodo, its sistmicas properties is properties of, that is, of one configuraode relations the all commanded that she is characteristic of this determined classroom deorganismo or system. In this new sistmica vision, we understand that the prpriosobjetos are nets of relations, inlaid in bigger nets, that is, forming umpadro of nets.

The nature is seen as a teia interconexa of relations, in which the identification of specific standards as being objects depends doobservador human being and on the discovery process. This descrita teia of relations for intermediary of a corresponding net of concepts and models, all equally important. What it becomes possible to convert the sistmica boarding numacincia is the discovery of that it has approach knowledge. This introviso is of importnciadecisiva for all modern science. The old paradigm is based on the crenacartesiana in the certainty of the scientific knowledge. In the new paradigm, reconhecido that all the conceptions and all approached the scientific theories are limitadase. Science in one can supply a edefinitiva complete understanding. Based in: CAPRA, Fritjof. The Teiada Life a New Scientific Understanding of the Systems Livings creature.