Monthly Research

Another area where the women are majority is in the administration publishes, reaching about 60% of more than the 494 dependent employees of the different ministries. However in the positions of raised remuneration more and presidency, the percentage is of only 32% as it discloses a study of the Institute National of the Administration, and why this happens? According to coordinating of the Eloisa study Rat: Because the women have little availability of time, because the load of the familiar tasks is concentrated over all on them and because they feel themselves more responsible for not giving assistance to the family. That is, exactly when the chance exists, the women give up many times to evolve in the career because to be leading she implies an availability of total time. (In:. Had access in: 26/11/2010) In relation to the wages, of the Brazilian woman it is well below in relation to the one of the man, being equivalent 71.3% of the received one for the men, (the wage of the women in January of 2008 was of R$ 956,80, whereas of the men it was of R$ 1,342, 70 for the set of the six regions metropolitans investigated for the Monthly Research of Job). FIGURE 2? Average income of men and women in January of 2003 and 2008 (%) Comparing diligent with complete superior level the difference between men and women is still bigger, observing that the wages of the women are equivalent only 60% of the wage of the man. For the women who possess complete superior level, habitual the average income was of R$ 2,291, 80 in January of 2008; whereas for the men this value was of R$ 3,841, 40. (In: .

Had access in: 20/11/2010). FIGURE 3? Difference between wages of men and women in the six regions searched According to Ana Carolina Querino, assistant appraiser of the UNIFEM the form that if enxerga the woman if of the one for the fact of old social conventions: ‘ ‘ For the conventions, the woman occupies the private space and the man the public space, of supplier of casa’ ‘ (In:. Had access in: 26/11/2010) because of this still predominant social vision, the woman has the lesser wage of what of the men, is considered more fragile and therefore this concept of supplier of the house, where she is in total security. CONCLUSION As we saw in the research, this concept comes if modifying throughout the times, nowadays men also take care of of the house and of the children, old it was a fact total unacceptable, the entrance of the woman in the work market also is a fact that it corroborates with the change, through the years the women come showing its capacities, and in many they are distinguished more than what the men, currently the women possess a level of bigger study of what the men, however, its wages are well inferior. The difference still is existing and is far from finishing, but with the force of will to show that really they are enabled to carry through any task carried through for a man, the difference is reduced each day more.