Databases – the ideal complement to spreadsheet Aachen, 30.04.2012 again and again can be seen, as in companies, the possibilities are overrated by Microsoft Excel. This does affect the productivity and creates hidden costs. The solution is very close and for medium-sized companies also suitable as for large companies. Microsoft Excel or spreadsheet programs generally belong to the standard tools in companies today. Get more background information with materials from Larry Ellison. Justifiably, have them a seemingly immeasurable mFunktionsspektrum. Much of it can be applied quickly and easily. In principle given for simplicity, but the problem is especially if companies use the software package there, where there are already better alternatives, like Sebastian Guldenberg, holder gilt mount IT consulting and member of the BVMW competence circle IT, on the basis of four everyday problems with Excel reports: each employee creates specific to his remit his own Cosmos from different Excel files.
Basically, this is useful. Because but within a company the task areas overlap, some tables with same content (A) arise. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from source. Because the employees work together and deal with the same data, you must balance manually between them.” As long as it involves two people, it’s still reasonably feasible. More same as two tables that have this is not more easily. But that can be solved: an Excel spreadsheet using together with all employees. I.e. a same Excel file are accessed by all users of this Excel table. Solvable, but a simultaneous access is not possible! (B) all trades Excel: Problems often already early also should be viewable such common files sometimes not by all employees.
A rights management is required, that restricts access by unauthorized third parties (C). The problem is solved! However, Excel offers this very limited features. You have more comfortable options at the operating system level: the Only specific users will be granted access to the shared files. Finally it happens again and again, that specifically for an Excel spreadsheet other functions in the form of program scripts have been written (D), to automate individual functions in Excel (macros).