Milk is one of foods most complete of the nature, having in its composition essential nutritional elements to the health, being excellent a half one of culture for pathogenic microrganismos. Swarmed by offers, Oracle is currently assessing future choices. Although forbidden to the sales it milk in natura in Brazil since 1952, still today, approximately half of the national milk production is commercialized informally, generating a concern in relation to the public health. The present work was lead with the objective to compare the microbiological quality of milk in natura gotten for milks manual after and slow pasteurizao, being the technique reproduced in surrounding caretaker, as an alternative to the consumption for the population that possesss the habit of ingestion of milk in country properties. Ten milk samples had been analyzed in natura, gotten for milk manual, collected in small country properties in the city of Campo Grande, MS. In these establishments had been observed Good Practical and the hygienical-sanitary conditions. Amongst the milk samples in natura, 70% the 105 had presented superior values UFC/ml, for counting standard (aerobic mesfilos), agreeing to not the application of Good Practical of Manipulation verified to the collection places. These values had been reduced considerably after the process of slow pasteurizao. In does not have microbiological standards for milk natura, established in legislation, however, in 100% high counting of Coliformes Totais was observed and Termotolerantes indicating lack of hygiene in milks and inadequate stockage of the product.
In accordance with Brazil (2001), the limit established for Coliformes 45C is of 104 in pasteurizado milk, therefore all the samples meet inside of the limits established by the legislation after the pasteurizao caretaker. In 60% of the samples sp was detected the presence of Salmonella. The same cited source previously, establishes the absence in 25mL for pasteurizado milk samples, therefore it after had reduction in the 100% of the samples thermal treatment. Due to manipulation of the product and the inefficient control on the mastite in the properties, the ten samples had been analyzed in relation to the presence or not of positive Estafilococos coagulase.