Living Our Own Lives

The man is alienated from itself and bowing to the works of their own hands. What man molds then worshiped. Hector Valley to integrate ourselves in this physical dimension, in this planet Earth with the shape that is us lego through our physical vehicle, must accept as we are and know the opportunity of life that we have been given within the time that is given us be and unfortunately we cannot handle, but that if we must use it to the maximum. Our own life, must live without letting ourselves otherwise, influence by what others want to make. Otherwise, must remain authentic, discover identify ourselves with our mission, empathize us therein, be attentive and give way to all those actions that enable to fulfil with the reason of the that we are. Should not surprise us that comment that anyone is here stop to meet the expectations of someone else, we have to live and enjoy our own life, grow the most liberated dependencies, influences, beliefs, taboos, the opposite use properly our divine potential, creativity, all that energy that allows us to act and step that always rises up and this our authenticity. Since then, to insert ourselves in the environment where we operate, Act, live must be always attentive, especially in the way as we do, as we interrelacionamos us, as we maintain our freedom, everything that guarantees live our own lives. Each one is responsible for their acts, each act of agreement as it has interpreted the scope of freedom, therefore everything that we express should be agreement to what will help us grow, prevent pollutions, everything that violates our authenticity. There is worry about accepting our being more intimate we have brought from the more than and thus ensure authenticity of oneself to live our own lives. As soon as we accept it without conditions, a joy will be suddenly.