Kosmos Integrity

Learn how to be will allow me to know my true nature, reach my emotional well-being, release ties and achieving the full realization of the spiritual, therefore, be happy.Wisdom, love and compassion, are the three core components of any spiritual practice, it is what we call the triple way of being, lead us to our spiritual home, which is in our own heart. Educational practice should be an expression of the triple trail. Dr. If you would like to know more then you should visit Southwest Airlines. Ramon Gallegos Nava. Holistic education uses two concepts of integrity, the first as conception of the entirety of the Kosmos that allows the formation of totalities/parts that allow evolution; and on the other hand, as a concept computer of educational subjectivity, in the world of sense and meaning, culture and mentalities; It refers to the world of life, values, ideals and motivations. The integral vision of education leads us to the learning of the being through educational integrity, where integrity is the achievement of the unity through diversity; the real educational improvement depends on the level of integration of education and not the quality of education. The quality of education is a concept exported from the world of industry, factories and linear mechanical processes of production of objects, in reality if it refers to a continuous improvement but only processes of industrial production, administrative handling, instrumental rationality, control, objective measurements, commercial organization, finances, accounting, i.e., is a concept computer of the world of the systemic.

In this way the human development process goes differentiation integration and hence to transcendence. If we do not differentiate properly fall into the fusion (everything is the same) or fragmentation (everything is contradictory) is therefore very important to differentiate between quality and educational integrity, not to confuse them because that brings us to the current reductionism. The essence of education is an intersubjective experience, an experience of building all together meaning shared by way of dialogue, dialogue as a process holistic understanding and collective thinking where our interests are common.