Intelligent Integration

Starnberg STA * ware software manufacturer also participates in the strategy days CRM & call center 2010. Starnberg, November 02, 2010. The STA * ware computer consulting GmbH is at the event StrategieTage CRM & call center exhibition 2010 “at the Grand Hotel Schloss Bensberg near Cologne before his complete solution in the field of CRM and enterprise software. The Managing Director Christian Paucksch taught in the workshop standalone CRM chanceless? “Smart integration with the STA * goods InfoCenter” the importance of a good CRM strategy (Tuesday, the 09.11., 17:20 to 18:20). The introduction of CRM software is a major challenge, both in the technical and in the operational area. It is therefore all the more important to understand all requirements of the company and to incorporate into the project. In addition to the integration into the IT system landscape, information and research speed and employee acceptance are important factors. Confirmed in practice for us again and again, that we have made the right decision, integrated processes for the use of CRM, ERP, DMS, PMS and email provide.

“, explains Christian Paucksch, Managing Director of STA * goods. The event gives the opportunity, to discuss with interested executives and experts on these issues us.” Questions about CRM the InfoCenter experts will gladly answer in a personal interview during the strategy days CRM & call center 2010 from 9th to 10th November 2010 at the Grand Hotel Schloss Bensberg. Learn more about the InfoCenter, see. About STA * goods: The STA * goods GmbH is specialized in the development and implementation of compact CRM and ERP software with integrated processes. This includes the dissemination of information on the one hand and the task or document management (CRM, DMS, workflow, CTI, groupware etc.), on the other hand the complete range for the commercial sector (costing, project planning and control, time tracking, billing, BWA etc.) with interfaces to common financial accounting solutions. Developed by STA * goods industry and practice-oriented solutions are adapted to market requirements and customer needs and provide long-term investment security. STA * goods solutions are especially suitable for service-oriented industries such as engineering, architecture and planning offices, prefabricated house manufacturer, real estate agencies, accountants, administrative authorities and consultancy services. STA * goods GmbH was founded in 1998 by Dr. Jorg Wever and Christian Paucksch and emerged from the existing since 1990 company Christian Paucksch EDV consulting. Press contact: Sta * ware computer consulting GmbH Petra Sadowski Moosstrasse 18 82319 Starnberg phone: 08151 36 89 49 23