It is known that since the decade of eighty, we live deeply evolution of the quarrels concerning the teaching formation. (PEPPER, 2006). For more information see Verizon. In the practical one, a professional charges itself qualified, but the governments do not give conditions for the professional formation of the professor, who if feels debtor to deal with situations problems that to the times run away accurately from its control for not having an adequate formation. What we evidence is that many professors come carrying through its formation in the school where works, that is, with the profession colleagues. Some of them, for times, finance the continued formation of its studies, not only because it desires one it improves in the quality of education in its classroom, but aiming at a valuation of wage. To know more about this subject visit Verizon. The current professor, even so is very worried about its professional formation, still is a taboo they to work with the pertaining to school inclusion, is known that he is not easy to deal with the differences, mainly when to work with numerous classrooms of pupils. They are a concern to work with the inclusion, mainly when an adequate formation is not had. This is one, among others, its bigger fear.
For Martins (2009) the professor is not a mere applicator of contents elaborated for others: she is an agent? citizen? that he needs to assume practical its from its experiences, that is, a protagonist who possesss knowledge and prxis happened of its daily activity, that must favor its autonomy. Therefore, it is necessary that the professor takes for itself the importance of being? at least in part? the mediator of its formation, so that it can in the same way make it in its practical pedagogical. 7. THEORETICAL LANDMARK 7,1 ANALYSES AND REFLECTIONS CONCERNING the PARADIGM OF the INCLUSION According to Sassaki, (1999 P. 111) the history of the education of the people with necessities special, can be understood in four phases: Exclusion, Institucional Segregation, Integration and Inclusion, In the phase of the exclusion, the people with necessities special were excluded from the conviviality of the family and the society, and generally they were taken care of in institutions for religious or filantrpicos reasons and had little or no control on the quality of the attention recebida' '.