House Brazilian Publisher

No matter how hard the mediator of the classroom created situations for the learning, that burst in intellectual challenges, arming themselves of the interpersonal relations that go if developing through the daily convivncia, and of the construction of new abilities, affectivities and not it had a space that all could the virtues of the learning be developed, all effort it would be compromised and it would place to lose all investment. For it saw of the Psicopedagogia was possible to perceive such problem and to search ways pra that the solution becomes viable with alteration in the structure of the project of the room or to place arcondicionado in the room. The ventilation of the classroom does not bring problems of dimension that permeia the health and the interpersonal relationship, compromising the learning as it was told. a pedagogical environment must be a space where the cognitivo, playful, corporal development and spiritual of the individual must generate a performance of ideal standard that does not intervene with the process of development of the child. But that it must develop in aprendente the tranquilidade, the confidence, the patience, and the generosity enters the too much colleagues of the room and stops with the professors.

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