Graduation Moved

If the protection of your research moved in the fall whether to be upset? "You want to laugh God – tell him your plans!" Folk wisdom *** The recent increase in cases where the decision GAK thesis defense postponed to the autumn. Tears and tantrums in young women, tightly clenched teeth and depression in youth, loss of time, self-respect and respect for the family – this is an incomplete range of consequences of such a transfer. The reasons for the failure to protect time may be different. Imogen Lloyd Webber takes a slightly different approach. Disease, "nefartovy" lecturer, employment, "unsatisfactory" on gosah, a general policy of commercial high school, etc. Causes of reasons, but here is the coming six months are under the sign of discouragement.

However, whether all that bad, and is whether to be upset, if the protection of your research moved to the fall / winter? *** Answering a question in the title of this article and say, 'Yes, should be upset! "I slukavil would be if written that we should rejoice. Speaking candidly Electron Capital Partners told us the story. Only here the disorder disorders are different. The frustration must be experienced, understood and forward in a constructive way. Try to analyze why this happened? Not enough time? Knowledge? Forces? There was a conflict with teacher? Everything is possible in this best of all worlds, given us in sensation, but rather a defense – not a cause for despair. It is my conviction, backed by a practice of a number of students. Alternatively, you can get a number of advantages of this situation. .