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Represents the lower one arcane in the sense more comprehensive unit as a concept, and the action latent in its most practical. With this minor arcane found that the consultant starts or initiates an action that changed things, initiate surely some of the circumstances that make arcane minors, this action will be economic, emotional, intellectual or spiritual depending on whether the minor arcane is oros, copas, espadas or bastos respectively. With this arcane minor in its positive reading things will commence and is almost safe that they came to fruition, the consultation work, love, or money, will give you the kick off cleanly. A serious when this inverted situation will be the opposite and indicate us the beginning of the problems, the beginning of a breakup, the start of economic ruin, or disputes. If there is a contradiction between the minor arcane and the greater this is usually easy to eradicate with the intuition that all Tarot reader should have, if for example before a question of love, beginning of a love affair the arcana seniors say no genre of doubt that it will be given and ended well and appears one of swords in the same run, this single letter does not invalidate the reading goodness, gives this parenthesis, that foot of page that it narrows and defines facts and consequences, it is certain that the beginning disputed sera, who must fight to bring to fruition the relationshipagainst luck, third persons, economic, lack of time, hardship which or whom will not give it the other arcana, must always remember that tarot chucks are a living entity in which discourse always is narrative and synchronous, must fit the pieces of the puzzle until the image is clear and coherent, not can overrun parts none has to be discordantTherefore the tarot is always consistent. In our website you can see one less arcane meanings and ways of interpreting it depending on your stick. Carlos the arcana children dancing with arcana (Nov 20,21) Chac Chic Chac tarot cards, minor arcana The basic meanings of the arcana Tarot older First Contact Radio Blog Facebook could predict when suffer a breakup Facebook in Spanish