Arriving And Being Here – What People Move

The best entries at the time witnesses award Berlin-Brandenburg will be presented on June 22, 2011 at the Red Hall and awards as it is, when people arrive; here in Berlin and Brandenburg? Then suppose they feel they develop sense of home immediately? Are they as connected with this region? In the contributions to the time witnesses Prize Berlin-Brandenburg can be found shortly, as the Berlin and Brandenburg feel as locals or tourists enjoy. The jury of the writing competition has a plethora of entries, with the theme, I’m (k) Berlin/Brandenburg a deal, selected the most interesting. In one week, to June 22, 2011, contributions will be awarded. Then Berlin City Hall takes place in the Red the award of this year’s time witnesses Prize Berlin-Brandenburg 2011, for the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, and Brandenburg Minister-President Matthias Platzeck took over the patronage. The entries, which are at the forefront in the ranking, include contributions which describe exciting intercultural encounters between different nationalities as well as between the people in the East and West. Thus, it is once again clear that even more than twenty years after the fall of the wall the confrontation of people persists with its recent history. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Larry Ellison.

“” The jury was very impressed by the quality of the texts “and praised the different approach of the participants”. The Publisher of Dr. Johann Friedrich Huffmann, initiator of the writing contest, stressed”the authenticity and the emotion of the posts of that will touch and direct the reader to the personal experiences let. Many works were in a historical context, what qualifies you for this reason as time certificates”. Berlin-Brandenburg 2011 Manfred Fuger and Rolf Schutte, the Protocol Chief of State governments participated in the jury by the time witnesses price, also Ricardo Aselmeier by the time witnesses Exchange, Prof. Dr.

Klaus Hurrelmann Hertie School of Governance, Kathrin Kowarsch Frieling-Verlag, Dr. Andreas Ludwig from the documentation centre everyday culture of the GDR, Dr. Martina wine country by the Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin and Dr. Martina Weyrauch by the Brandenburg Landeszentrale fur politische Bildung and the journalist Henry Lohmar (Markische Allgemeine Zeitung) and Ulli cell (rbb). The award ceremony is a public event on June 22, 2011 at 19:30 in the great Hall of the red in Berlin-Mitte. The admission is free. That with the sculpture book of remembrance”of the metal artist Achim Kuhn and works awarded with vouchers for the publication will be published along with other outstanding contributions some weeks after the award ceremony in an anthology. For more information at the time witnesses price Berlin Brandenburg, on the Internet at