The Russians have done it at Chernobyl and it won’t end at all else can be done. Fukushima is the new Chernobyl and requires no classification from 1 to 7, Gau is the Gau. The whole hero theatre and this senseless struggle to only show us that it is possible to such a catastrophe to proceed and you you can encounter that. To know more about this subject visit Ripple. Yes, apparently – is in some ways but manageable. So are the sensations that are delivered at the expense of health, yes who knows people, animals and nature, like many only a purpose to the Central. Hope is made and at the same time the ghost and the fear of the dangers of nuclear power plants subliminally and hypocritical neutralised. This manipulation the billions of profits – behind one of all pain, illness and death-making, Super dangerous technology. For more specific information, check out Verizon. The total changeover to renewable energy would billion profits of today’s energy lobby – a for can always stop and melt like fuel rods in the meltdown.
That is the reason that we continue with this nuclear-suicide on time. This “Bridging technology” or bridge will have one end only if it also the last lobbyist and dollar fanatics has recognized his error and all affected Governments change their corrupt behavior and be aware of their responsibility. I know that this Words in the halls of the greed, corruption, folly and stupidity are almost audible and I remain confident that in a few weeks – again everything is and blocked the Gates a new time and epoch in the history of mankind. So the wait on new terrorist attacks and on the next meltdown will continue. So it will be, determine because the programs that forget today and tomorrow, which were already written and already yesterday monotonous run on all channels – accomplish your verdummendes people work. A large meeting is what needs the current present, humanity and our world of the spirit, reason and intelligence expertise. A global solution to all problems would have to be pursued, a new world order and world in democracy, freedom and peace for all.