The problem that we considered the students was as to teach mathematical with the golden, material material cuisenaire, logical blocks and abacus in alfabetizao EJA. The objective of the work is to make with that the pupils know the materials manipulable not as an instrument of the infantile education, but also capable to consider problems in the relation with the half cultural partner of the alfabetizado one. Word-key: Manipulable materials, Young Education of Adult; Mathematics. Introduction.
The research on education and learning had its beginning with pedagogical influences of the sown ideas for the Humanismo for the first steps of sciences and modern philosophies. The two great thinkers: Francis Bacon defended the idea of that the true knowledge of the things if explained through the experiences and perceptions take in them to assimilate and to know what he is being studied; Ren Discardings, in turn nailed that we cannot admit no fact as true if this not to present itself as evident. The educational ideas had appeared with the biggest educator Jan Amos Comnio (1670), that it developed an educational system with the objective to prepare the individual for the life. From the decade of 1920, the pedagogia of activity concluded that the center of the education did not have to be the act to teach, but the act to learn with new techniques of learning capable to stimulate the children interior. The pertaining to school activity started to be faced of ampler form with the recreativos games and others.