Social sciences, and over all the sociological thought of the end of century XIX must very of its growth to the cinema that came more to make possible a study deepened of the society and its specific customs, of the politics, the daily one, changes of classrooms amongst as much other factors. Inaugurating a new speech total, the filming camera became a research source that it breached with esteretipo of mere apetrecho of register of images, appraising to it as an instrument where they are recorded facts of social order, that they had later passed to be grouped by the researcher serving of arcabouo in determined research. The cinema operates collecting images of the social life that later are grouped by a mounter which is responsible for the end item gaining a world vision distinct. To know more about this subject visit baby clothes. The different artistic manifestations had found in the cinema a form of validation never imagined, the diffusion carried through for the flmica propaganda would come to reach the globe all. The experiment created by the Lumire brothers in the France of the end of century XIX, would be the starting point of a new variant of the communication. Ideologies would be disclosed and propagated they would cover entire nations by means of the cinematograph, inserting in determined groups a series of concepts politicians, cultural and philosophical the screens would load obtain the power of the language through the image, happening themselves in the structural processes that they form the social thought, creating representations that would act in mago of the groups, as Walter Benjamin explains Magic and technique, art and politics: ‘ ‘ The film serves to exercise the man in the new perceptions and reactions demanded for a device technician whose paper more grows each time in its daily life. To make of the gigantic device technician of our time the object of the inervaes human beings is this the historical task whose accomplishment of to the cinema its true sentido.