Strategy of marketing. Any company who produces an automobile to make the difference in defense of the environment, therefore the reduction of the global heating. If vocs to stop to produce cars in the black color, will be contributing with a lesser heating in the ground of the land. Simple they stop to produce cars nestacor. For example in Brazil the car eats minor area has (6 square meters) pra recebercalor of the solar rays, with istodiminuiriao expense with air condicionadoeoutros gastosate of energy for the human body. The other step and to diminish the area of asphalt of the black color. .queso billions of atrairmais kilometers quadradosde reaa heat the land.
It is not possible not yet if it has technology to change the color of asphalt. Proposal it stops to change and to improve the question of the global heating. (Propuesta to exchange y to mejorar cuestin there del calentamiento global) Strategy of marketing. (marketing strategy) (without acute accent, ok) Any company who produces one automobile to make the difference in defense of the environment, therefore the reduction of the global heating. (Cualquier company that produzca un automvil to hacer there differentiates en defense del average environment, for ejemplo disminuicin del calentamiento there global.) If vocs to stop to produce cars in the black color, will be contributing with a lesser heating in the ground of the land. (Itself ustedes pararon of producir coches del color less calentamiento black, estarn contribuyendo con un del suelo woollen tierra.) Simple they stop to produce cars in this color. (Simple paren of producir coches of this color.) For example in Brazil the car with the lesser area has (6 square meters) pra to receive heat of the solar rays, with this it would diminish the expense with conditional air other expenses it ties of energy for the human body.