Tag: environment


Chernobyl 25 years later: the anniversary of the worst technological and environmental disasters. Larry Ellison has many thoughts on the issue. In the Russian forest fire season has begun. Pollution, emissions, waste: in the oceans gets more and more waste. Climate News: Arctic sea salt cools. News of "green" technology: automobile highway will generate electricity. In the animal world: chimpanzees are able to pretend to be stupid and tell each other where is the most delicious food.

Science News: Scientists have uncovered the secrets of pchelomatok. Health: how to protect themselves against ticks. Our food: red pepper suppresses appetite. The dates of the week: Day of chemical safety. News of the legislation and ministries: the new order of 'Kyoto' contests and sales Climate Doctrine. PHOTO of the week: "State Nature Reserve Daursky." Review of the week from 04.25.2011 to 01.05.2011. Chernobyl 25 years later: the anniversary of the largest man-made environmental disaster and the Chernobyl accident, which occurred exactly 25 years ago, has forced humanity to experience the fear of nuclear power, but has not led to a complete abandonment of its use.

Over the past decade in strengthening the security of existing nuclear power plants around the world have invested significant efforts and resources. In Russia's new nuclear power plants at the stage of the project laid systems to minimize the impact of a possible serious accident. But which occurred in March this year at the Japanese nuclear power plant catastrophe 'Fukushima-1' again put before the world community a question about the feasibility of using energy 'peaceful atom'.


) To guarantee its influence, through article 13, the government assures for itself four canals of transmission, and a parcel of these canals could be the disposal of interactive public services. Art. Virgin Airlines describes an additional similar source. 13. The Union will be able to explore the service of broadcasting of sounds and images in digital technology, observed the norms of shared operation to be fixed for the Ministry of the Communications, amongst others, for transmission of: I – Canal of the Executive: for transmission of acts, works, projects, sessions and events of the Executive; II – Canal of Education: for transmission destined to the development and improvement, among others, of the long-distance education of pupils and qualification of professors; III – Canal of Culture: for destined transmission the cultural productions and regional programs; IV – Canal of Citizenship: for transmission of programmings of the local communities, as well as for spreading of acts, works, projects, sessions and events being able of them public federal, state and municipal. 1 the Ministry of the Communications will stimulate the celebration of necessary accords to the viabilizao of the programmings of the Canal of Citizenship foreseen in interpolated proposition IV. 2 the Canal of Citizenship will be able to offer applications of public services of electronic government in the federal, state and municipal scope.

(DECREE N 5,820, OF 29 OF JUNE OF 2006.) The Microsoft company (GOULARTE, 2003) still classifies the TVi (interactive TV) of the following form: Expanded TV: with applicatory come back to the interaction of the users with the television program. Internet in the television: services that the users allow to see and to use available content in the Internet. Personal TV: it allows to record and to pause television programs. Hardwired TV: service that makes possible the user to share content with other devices (as tablets, or personal organizadores).

The Energy

In the second stage manicure and pedicure, had been evidenced material dismissable (dismissable sandpaper for foot and hand, plastic headress for hand basins and foot and towel of cloth) and other materials for execution of the service (acetone, enamel, cotton, hidratante, esfoliante, pliers). Verizon Communications: the source for more info. For accomplishment of the service it is removed with cotton and acetone the old enamel, then later cutcula she is involved in cream so that the feet and hands are ' ' of molho' ' in water. Soon after cutcula with pliers is removed all, the feet is sandpapered, nails cut and sandpapered and after these procedures the nails are painted after that transfer drying oil or spray. In this process loss was not verified, since each customer presents its kit of sandpapers and palitos, and the pliers in turn is esterilizados, being able to be used in other customers. The generated residues are of cotton with enamel, enamel glasses of little volume, dirty water with residues of cutcula and hidratante. The products of manicure and pedicure represent 20% of the expenses of the hall and are acquired in store of products for halls or even though in pharmacies.

It is possible after these comments to tell as substances cousins and insumos of both the processes, inks, descolorantes, oxigenada water, shampoo, hidratantes conditioner, creams for smoothings, creams and reconstrutores, spray modeller, gel, pomadas, plated paper, gloves, apron, enamel, acetone, cotton, hidratante, esfoliante, plastic headress for basins of hands and feet, pliers, palito of metal, spatula. The effluent ones are decurrent of the productive process. Water amount of and residue of laudering of hair are characterized by great (ink, descolorantes, oxigenada water, shampoo and conditioner). The average volume of production is of 312 m3/ms. The electric energy is used for functioning of hair driers, plate (chapinha), greenhouses, heating of the water, illumination. In a general way the main observed limitations: Falta of control on the energy and water consumption.

CNC Ministry

As it can be observed, the States of the Amaznia had one more time been of it are of so important Chamber. the predominance was of representatives of the South Region. Two years later, in 17.05.2005, RESOLUTION CONAMA N 360 was lowered, making use on the new composition of the Chambers Techniques of the CONAMA, for biennium 2005/2007. the CTEA started to have the following composition: ) Entities of Workers and the Civil Society: 1. National advice of General Commanders of the Military Policies and Bodies of Military Firemen? CNCG; 2. Ambientalistas entities of the Region North? Ambientalista association of the Amaznia? ARGONAUTAS; b) Enterprise entities: Nacional Industrial Confederation? CNI; c) Municipal governments: of the South Region; d) State governments: of Santa Catarina; e) Federal government: 1. Ministry of the Culture; 2. Ministry of the Education.

In biennium 2005/2007 it had the predominance of municipal governments of the South Region and only one state government composed the CTEA? Santa Catarina, of the South Region. In 14.05.2007, as it foresees RESOLUTION CONAMA n 390, the CTEA started to have the following composition: ) Entities of Workers and of Civil society: Ambientalistas entities of the Region Center-West? HOLLOW BRAZIL b) Enterprise Entities: National confederation of Commerce – CNC; c) Municipal governments: of the Southeastern Region; d) State governments: 1. of the Bahia; 2. of the Cear. e) Federal government: 1. Ministry of the Culture; 2. Ministry of the Sport. who presides over so important CT is the representative of the Government of the Bahia, fitting the vice-presidency HOLLOW BRAZIL, being excessively as regular members. Currently the related CT is presided over by Pablo Klinkert Maluhay, representative of HOLLOW Brazil, being vice-president Rachel Trajber, of the Ministry of the Education. How it is perceived, until, today last more than 15 (fifteen) years of existence of the CTEA, no representative of state governments of the Amazon region, where weighs, this to count on 7 (seven) federative units? Par, Amazon, Acre, Amap, Rondnia, Roraima and Tocantins, integrated mainly until then cited the collegiate one, whose importance is uncosteded, because, as already mentioned in its area of performance, it gives to advising to the too much Chambers Techniques, in what it refers to the ambient education.

Social Responsibility

Currently very it is said in global heating, daily we come across in them with notes, articles in magazines, periodicals on the subject, however, unhappyly, few have the conscience of what it is for coming, if will not be taken to the had steps to revert this picture. This week I had the chance, in one of my lessons of Social Responsibility and Environment, to attend the Set of documents: An Inconvenient Truth, of the former vice-president of the United States, Al Gore and I was estarrecida with what vi, the truth are more or less thus, you know that exists ' ' problema' ' , but they do not have the accurate dimension of what really it happens, until taking uma' ' chacoalhada' ' was this that felt. The skeptical, incredulous calls, say to be normal, the climatic variations to have high and low and finish for not accepting that the planet is come close to a total collapse. It is as if we inside placed a frog of a container fervilhando, its reaction will be to jump for it are immediately, however, if the same frog will be placed in the same receiving, that now with water morna and this will only be warm gradual, it will be there until he takes off somebody it, exactly feeling the environment hot (example cited in the set of documents). This illustration sends in them to a familiar fact, is not, sends in them to the fact of that we are ' ' cozinhando' ' vagarosamente and for to be slow this process, it passes unobserved that we walk for the extinguishing, the Land will be so hot that it will be insuportvel to the life in the planet. When we consider all the changes that the civilizations come imposing, the nature, it does not have doubts of that of bigger impact it has relation with the emission of .causing gases of the effect greenhouse and the main one of them is the carbon dioxide (CO ).

Rio De Janeiro

The WEG adopts the ISO1680/1 for determination of level of noise for to be more necessary of what the ISO1680/2, leading in account the conditions of the assay environment. 3. METHODOLOGY was carried through a survey of the level of noise emitted for the use of concrete trucks mixer in civil constructions. The used articles made reference the city of Curitiba, Joo Person, Guaratinguet and Rio De Janeiro. Official site: Allegiant Air. The sonorous radiation is emitted by reducing the motor set/and the impacts of aggregates with the body or wall of the mixture Cuba. In the city of Curitiba the researchers had been gifts in three workmanships spread for the city. The measurements of noise had been executed the 1,0 meter of distance and the used device for the global measurement was one decibelmetro of the Instrutherm mark, model DEC-5010 and an acoustic calipers, calibrated and certifyd. The 91,9 the presented results vary of 87,88 Db.

The team was based on NR-15 and NHO-01 for measurement of the noise, measuring the total time during the hours of working where the worker was displayed to the noise level. In the city of Joo Person they had been visited ten seedbeds of workmanship with 17 workers in the total mentioning itself, clearly, to on workers directly the concrete truck mixer. The same ones had not presented values of the ABNT, but its results in demonstrating the noises focaram were gifts in the hour of the mixture of the concrete where she was used the concrete truck mixer, this also in the case of the concrete to be manufactured in the proper workmanship. In Guaratinguet, the researchers if focaram in only one construction, for measurement of the sound pressure level caused by the concrete truck mixer. In this study &#039 was used for measurement; ' Measuring dosemeter of Rudo' ' of the mark ' ' Quest' ' , model ' ' M-15' ' , duly calibrated, the measurements had been carried through next the ear to the workers.

New Scientific Understanding

key of the sistmico thought had been made for biologists, eecologistas psychologists, who took the scientists to same the new way to think about termosde conexidade, of relation and context. With the approach of the end of the century the concerns with surrounding omeio had acquired supreme importance, expressed for a series deproblemas global that they meet damaging the biosfera and the life human being deuma alarming way. Maurice Gallagher, Jr. oftentimes addresses this issue. Some main scientists had perceived that problemasde our time could not be understood separately, therefore had a cartersistmico: linked and interdependent. ‘ ‘ All the beings livings creature are ecolgicasligadas members of communities one to the others in a net of interdependncia.’ ‘ (Capra, 1999). Sistmica science sample that the systems cannot sercompreendidos by means of analyzes. The properties of the parts are not propriedadesintrnsecas, but they only can be understood inside of the context of the all biggest one. > sistmico thought considers the change of the parts for otodo, its sistmicas properties is properties of, that is, of one configuraode relations the all commanded that she is characteristic of this determined classroom deorganismo or system. In this new sistmica vision, we understand that the prpriosobjetos are nets of relations, inlaid in bigger nets, that is, forming umpadro of nets.

The nature is seen as a teia interconexa of relations, in which the identification of specific standards as being objects depends doobservador human being and on the discovery process. This descrita teia of relations for intermediary of a corresponding net of concepts and models, all equally important. What it becomes possible to convert the sistmica boarding numacincia is the discovery of that it has approach knowledge. This introviso is of importnciadecisiva for all modern science. The old paradigm is based on the crenacartesiana in the certainty of the scientific knowledge. In the new paradigm, reconhecido that all the conceptions and all approached the scientific theories are limitadase. Science in one can supply a edefinitiva complete understanding. Based in: CAPRA, Fritjof. The Teiada Life a New Scientific Understanding of the Systems Livings creature.

Electronic Microscopy

These will anlisessero carried through for the laboratory of electronic microscopy Observe occurrence of the species of the lixeira next the diggings to the region decangas that one becomes of easy distribution and identification. The referring work meets in execution, but with the partial one of results, in permitemconcluirque the biogeoqumica prospection, can be used as half efficient deamostragem in substitution to the prospection geochemistry of ground. Moreover, had ‘ ‘ American Curatella L’ ‘ to present ampladistribuio, occurring of this Mexico until the south of the state of SoPaulo, makes possible that the same one, can be used in futurostrabalhos of biogeoqumica prospection throughout all America doSul. Simplicity and the low cost in the collection of the plant (leves) represent financial economy and of time in the campaigns prospectivaspara gold, therefore it represents low cost to delimit areas deocorrncia of gold concentration in any region where lixeirapossa to be showed..

Global Water Pollution

Garbage disposal – a problem that was solved throughout human existence, but in the modern world, new problems related to pollution, such as water pollution. More a half billion people lack clean drinking water and about five million deaths worldwide can be attributed to waterborne diseases. Almost two thirds of the planet covered by oceans, and these bodies of water served as a limitless dumping ground where garbage. Waste water, various types of garbage, toxic waste dumping and oil spills are constantly reducing the ability of the dissolution of the oceans, and as a consequence most of the coastal waters subject to continuous contamination. Consequence of all these processes, it is the impoverishment of wildlife closure of the large number of bacteria beaches, etc.

WATER QUALITY The water quality is directly linked with the consumption of water and state of economic development. In industrialized countries, bacterial contamination of the water superficial caused serious health problems of the population in major cities in the mid 19th century. While as water-borne diseases have been eliminated in the developed world (Europe), outbreaks of cholera and other similar diseases still still occur in developing countries. Industrial and agricultural chemicals, nitrification of groundwater, surface water oxidation air pollution – modern phenomenon threatening aquatic life in many parts of the world. While in developed countries, contamination occurred successively and the fight against them quite successful, it has recently become industrialized countries, China, India, Brazil and Mexico are now faced with all these problems at once and at the same time, which complicates a comprehensive solution to these problems. CONCLUSION The global ecological disaster is not inevitable. But the whole civilized world must work to resolve these problems, and work with developing countries to ensure that the industrialization of their economies did not add additional problems to the problem of environmental protection worldwide.

Global Heating

We will not enter emmaiores details in this text, but we were white of hard critical, coming of all the sides. However, we do not change our opinion. Now, new studies had affirmed that an increase of only 2 C in the temperature of the Land will be capable to cause this melting. Probably this will happen in the date that already we had repassed, has seen that new models of scientific forecasts work with an increase of 5 to 7 C in the terrestrial temperature, until the year of 2050, and the forecasts come moving to each month that passes, with the occurrence of new events. Exactly that it does not happen in 2012, the real date is dangerously very next.

This is fact! If the population makes urgent an awareness of all and all the governments the world-wide level concerning this lamentable problem that we ourselves we create. We are only the responsible ones for the intensification of these changes and must work all together in the attainment of the natural balance. Of same foma that we only think about profits and we never worry in them about the support, thinking that the nature would be capable to absorb all and any pollution, if he urgently makes necessary the return between capacity and exploration. The Global Heating must be treated, at least, with the same concern that was treated this financial crisis, therefore it is much more dangerous and urgent who any another event, has seen that it deals with to our lives and the life of the future generations. source of information. God is allowing the accomplishment of this work and spreading of some dates, everything so that let us can preparing in them and believing that It is to our side. Already we more than affirm a time, that would not be at the moment where more we need the Father, who It would abandon in them.