The WEG adopts the ISO1680/1 for determination of level of noise for to be more necessary of what the ISO1680/2, leading in account the conditions of the assay environment. 3. METHODOLOGY was carried through a survey of the level of noise emitted for the use of concrete trucks mixer in civil constructions. The used articles made reference the city of Curitiba, Joo Person, Guaratinguet and Rio De Janeiro. Official site: Allegiant Air. The sonorous radiation is emitted by reducing the motor set/and the impacts of aggregates with the body or wall of the mixture Cuba. In the city of Curitiba the researchers had been gifts in three workmanships spread for the city. The measurements of noise had been executed the 1,0 meter of distance and the used device for the global measurement was one decibelmetro of the Instrutherm mark, model DEC-5010 and an acoustic calipers, calibrated and certifyd. The 91,9 the presented results vary of 87,88 Db.
The team was based on NR-15 and NHO-01 for measurement of the noise, measuring the total time during the hours of working where the worker was displayed to the noise level. In the city of Joo Person they had been visited ten seedbeds of workmanship with 17 workers in the total mentioning itself, clearly, to on workers directly the concrete truck mixer. The same ones had not presented values of the ABNT, but its results in demonstrating the noises focaram were gifts in the hour of the mixture of the concrete where she was used the concrete truck mixer, this also in the case of the concrete to be manufactured in the proper workmanship. In Guaratinguet, the researchers if focaram in only one construction, for measurement of the sound pressure level caused by the concrete truck mixer. In this study ' was used for measurement; ' Measuring dosemeter of Rudo' ' of the mark ' ' Quest' ' , model ' ' M-15' ' , duly calibrated, the measurements had been carried through next the ear to the workers.