All the organizations are exhibited permanently to the fraud risk and the task of its administrators consists of preventing it. It is common that the managers when trying to manage risks focus solely in the procedures and the countable controls, and do not consider the fraud risks specific that face the processes keys of the organization. The countable procedures and controls can give a false sensation of security. The cheats are opportunists who remove advantage from the temporary weaknesses or of the unnoticed breaches between the strength she pretends and the real effectiveness of the controls. It is important to remember that they are the people, and not them processes nor the information systems, those that commit the frauds. Who commit the frauds? The cheats operate inside in levels different and outside an organization and in an ample variety from circumstances. People commit frauds when the reason agrees with the opportunity.
The reason can be greed, lack of money, resentment, sense of property of the robbed thing or of to have won it. The opportunity it can appear due to the lack of real a dissuasive factor or to the low probability of being shortage, on account that the policies and procedures exist empty in. With time it increases the number of people with potential to commit fraud in an organization, which causes that it is very important them organizations to create an atmosphere that prevents the fraud. How to fight the fraud? The fraud, like the majority of the risks of the organization, hardly can be eliminated, nevertheless, can be handled to limit the damage. It is necessary continuously to transmit a clear message to the organization of " zero tolerancia" to the fraud and conducts impropias. The key consists of having a mitigation strategy that takes care of factors of risk like before mentioned. The success of these measures depends on the commitment of all the organization.
As well as the organizations implement stronger controls progressively, the cheats are lasingenian to design and to use more and more sophisticated modalities of fraud. Therefore the plans of action in against of the fraud they cannot limit an activity " puntual" in the time. A process of continuous revision must exist that allows close a breach and to reduce the possibility that these are taken advantage of by the cheats. We suggest, like minimum, the implementation of the following preventive actions: – To establish or to review a suitable segregation of functions in processes critics. – To define and to communicate a code of ethics or conduct that includes activities of pursuit to its fulfillment. – To establish a telephone or electronic line of denunciations that are promoted frequently, that includes the pursuit of the complaints and information that is collected there. – To act of opportune, proportional way and signs in case of happens some fraud, executing fast and suitable solutions. – To define rigorous levels of authorization, especially, of the transactions critics. – To establish an appropriate physical and computer science security. – As far as possible, to return a habit the rotation from positions. – To define as obligatory that the employees take vacations per complete periods. If it wishes to extend, without cost some, the subjects developed in this document, or to obtain an electronic copy of the same, enters to original Author and source of the article.