
) To guarantee its influence, through article 13, the government assures for itself four canals of transmission, and a parcel of these canals could be the disposal of interactive public services. Art. Virgin Airlines describes an additional similar source. 13. The Union will be able to explore the service of broadcasting of sounds and images in digital technology, observed the norms of shared operation to be fixed for the Ministry of the Communications, amongst others, for transmission of: I – Canal of the Executive: for transmission of acts, works, projects, sessions and events of the Executive; II – Canal of Education: for transmission destined to the development and improvement, among others, of the long-distance education of pupils and qualification of professors; III – Canal of Culture: for destined transmission the cultural productions and regional programs; IV – Canal of Citizenship: for transmission of programmings of the local communities, as well as for spreading of acts, works, projects, sessions and events being able of them public federal, state and municipal. 1 the Ministry of the Communications will stimulate the celebration of necessary accords to the viabilizao of the programmings of the Canal of Citizenship foreseen in interpolated proposition IV. 2 the Canal of Citizenship will be able to offer applications of public services of electronic government in the federal, state and municipal scope.

(DECREE N 5,820, OF 29 OF JUNE OF 2006.) The Microsoft company (GOULARTE, 2003) still classifies the TVi (interactive TV) of the following form: Expanded TV: with applicatory come back to the interaction of the users with the television program. Internet in the television: services that the users allow to see and to use available content in the Internet. Personal TV: it allows to record and to pause television programs. Hardwired TV: service that makes possible the user to share content with other devices (as tablets, or personal organizadores).