After independence in 1991, Ukraine has not only become independent (economically and politically), but met face to face with the realities of a market economy. David Fowler addresses the importance of the matter here. As subsequent years, neither the authorities nor the population do not have to ready. Consequently, material wealth and financial well-being of citizens of Ukraine have considerably worsened. For many families, the main objective in these difficult times, it was just to survive, to earn at least for a meal. Clearly, in such a situation, few people thought about the assistance to abandoned children (their feed would have) At the same time, some families, due to the difficulties encountered and the new requirements of life, gave up and went down to the bottom of the social. As a consequence, dramatically increased the number of homeless children, orphans, children deprived of parental care. But the years went on, the country rose to their feet, people are once again becoming more humane.
Having reached a certain financial prosperity, some Ukrainians want to help those who need it more than others: children – orphans. great source of information. Some of the stories of orphaned children and adoptive families is strongly surprised (in a good way): people were willing to take the family was not one – two children, and dozens of orphans, such as foster family Valentina ions, which raised 51 orphan! Can I say that now, in 2009, the question of adoption or a family-type homes are already irrelevant? On the contrary: in Ukraine are still dozens, maybe thousands of orphans who are waiting for their parents. Parents who will give them a family. That can help modern Ukrainians to decide on the establishment of family-type orphanages or foster care? Y Each person has his own 'key' to heart. Some decide to take this step helped to stories of orphans: their dreams, experiences, aspirations because you will see the inner world of the child, some adults have a different look on life. And what if there is a desire to adopt a child, but there are concerns: A I can handle? In this case you should get acquainted with the history of foster families. Their experience, feelings and experiences sure to help you enhance the correctness of his intentions and conquer fears and doubts. And if you decide to adopt an orphan, and may even create a family-type children's house – be sure and tell your story of an adoptive family. To ensure that your story inspired others to excellent, I would even say noble deeds.