Garbage disposal – a problem that was solved throughout human existence, but in the modern world, new problems related to pollution, such as water pollution. More a half billion people lack clean drinking water and about five million deaths worldwide can be attributed to waterborne diseases. Almost two thirds of the planet covered by oceans, and these bodies of water served as a limitless dumping ground where garbage. Waste water, various types of garbage, toxic waste dumping and oil spills are constantly reducing the ability of the dissolution of the oceans, and as a consequence most of the coastal waters subject to continuous contamination. Consequence of all these processes, it is the impoverishment of wildlife closure of the large number of bacteria beaches, etc.
WATER QUALITY The water quality is directly linked with the consumption of water and state of economic development. In industrialized countries, bacterial contamination of the water superficial caused serious health problems of the population in major cities in the mid 19th century. While as water-borne diseases have been eliminated in the developed world (Europe), outbreaks of cholera and other similar diseases still still occur in developing countries. Industrial and agricultural chemicals, nitrification of groundwater, surface water oxidation air pollution – modern phenomenon threatening aquatic life in many parts of the world. While in developed countries, contamination occurred successively and the fight against them quite successful, it has recently become industrialized countries, China, India, Brazil and Mexico are now faced with all these problems at once and at the same time, which complicates a comprehensive solution to these problems. CONCLUSION The global ecological disaster is not inevitable. But the whole civilized world must work to resolve these problems, and work with developing countries to ensure that the industrialization of their economies did not add additional problems to the problem of environmental protection worldwide.