Tag: biblical studies

The World

The cntico spiritual must always remember to the life spiritual, that is, the new life as Jesus expressed, (Jesus answered: In the truth, in the truth I say that one to you that not to be born of the water and the Spirit, cannot enter in the kingdom of God. Joo 3:5, (the life spiritual is a new life and he does not have to bring things of the human mold and the world but of God whom he inspires for cnticos us that he praises to it and of It gratitude. Today in them we come across with vast market of music gospel that backwards varied rhythms and the majority brings souvenirs in its melodies of romantic musics made for a relationship (eros) that is between a man and a woman, or music of feelings of the joy of a moment of personal happiness, or even though of folclricas parties going until rhythms of dance of street or rock, these rhythms is audible some is well pleasant to the pleasure to dance and even though to go of meeting to a purely human feeling, but he is same in this area and it does not reach the taste spiritual, but the called segment gospel has changed the letters conserved the rhythm publishes to attract it that they are related to the rhythm of success in the world. Frequently Gary Kelly has said that publicly. No longer time of Moises the nations had its parties its musics its dances, but he was I inhabit forbidden it to search of these nations its customs, in the new will has an exhortation to reject the things that are made in the darknesses that is everything that come of it therefore they had been created with a direction to reach to that they are in the blackout in its form of life. (In the darknesses they walk gropingly, without having light, it makes and them to render crazy as drunkards. .

The Evangelho

For some, it detaches, a thing if he detaches in the CAP. 13, namely, certain apocalyptic fever: it expects coming of Christ. Antnio Rodriguez Carmona says that ' ' the Evangelho de Marcos can be considered as being oldest of the four evangelhos and, of one or another one form, as a workmanship that served of source for the evangelhistas Mateus and Lucas' '. With the reading of the Evangelho of They are Marcos if it perceives that it was written for come Christians of the paganismo, since he explains the customs of the Jews. It is the case, for example, of Mc 7, 2-4: had perceived that some of its disciples ate the bread with the impure hands, that is, washing without them. (With effect, the fariseus and all the Jews, becoming attached themselves it the tradition of the old ones, do not eat without washing the hands carefully; e, when they come back of the market, does not eat without having done ablues. has many other customs that observe for tradition, as to wash the cups, the jars and plates of metal).

ChedMyers said that ' ' The Evangelho de Marcos was written originally to help imperial subjects to learn hard truth on its world and they themselves. It does not intend to present the dispassionate word of God or impartially, as if this word was inocuamente universal in its appeals to the rich one and the poor person at the same time. Its relado one is done history was written in Greek however the author strengthens saying that was the popular Greek koin with Semitic, characteristic influence proper of the Semitic countries bilngues of the East, as Syrian-Palestine and Egypt. Content of the Evangelho For Carmona the workmanship has narrative character and deals with to the workmanships and the pregao of Jesus of> Nazar. After brief introduction, in which it presents Jao Baptist, the baptism me of Jesus and its temptation, the story if centers aunt activity of Jesus de Nazar in the Galilia, where she is situated most of its performance; later, it briefly tells the trip to Judia and Jerusalem and of new if it centers in the activity of Jesus in this city, in which it dies and if it announces its resurrection, finishing the narrative of brusque form in 16,8.